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Pristine Packaging Manufacturing and Medical-Grade Equipment
Venue address
505 Main St
Chula Vista, CA
United States
Pristine Packaging Manufacturing and Medical-Grade Equipment

Plastic Injection Molders – 90 Tons to 400 Tons Plant Support: Fork Lifts, Tool Room, Conveyor & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 03, 2022 08:00 AM PT
Ends from: Feb 09, 2022 11:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 217 lots within this auction
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Auction Details - Plastic Medical Molding Facility
Moore No 2 Jig Grinder
Lot (2) Metal Cabinets with contents
Okamoto 6-12/14 Linear Surface Grinder
Torit Dust Collector Model 90-5CAB
Excel-810 Vertical Machining Center
Kennedy Rolling Tool Box with Contents
Kurt Vice; S/N: D60-015080
Set of (2) Challenge Knees
Phase II Horizontal Vertical 5C Collet Indexer
Bemato Vice
Lot 11
Hasback Vice
Lot 12
Lot 13
Lot 14
Lot (2) Desk Office Set with Overhead Drawers
WF Wells Horizontal Band Saw
LeBlond Regal Lathe
Arboga Maskiner Radial Arm Drill
Lot (3) Office Desk Suites with Filing Cabinets
Lot (4) Office Desk Suites with Filing Cabinets
Vidmar Cabinet; 9-Drawer; Includes Consents
Toshiba ISGS 390 Injection Molding Machine, Model ISG90V10-19B
Star Automation LW-1000V-460 Robot
Cincinnati Milacron VH-400-41 Injection Molding Machine
Milacron-Fanuc Roboshot 165i Injection Molding Machine
Locker Set including (18) Lockers
Locker Set with Coat Rack; (16) Lockers
Locker Set of (10) Lockers
Toshiba ISG 90, Injection Molding Machine
Best Pack Carton Sealer
Best Flex Accordion Conveyor; On Locking Casters
Hytrol Roller Conveyor, Total Length 13'
Global 5,000-lbs Pallet Jack with Mettler Toledo Digital Scale
Cincinnati Milacron Fanuc Roboshot 165 Injection Molding Machine
Star Robot LW-1000V-460 with Star STEC-460 Controller
Toshiba ISG 90 V10-2B Injection Molding Machine
Eagle Model 1905 Flammable Storage Cabinet; 16-gallon capacity
Justrite 45-gallon Capacity Flammable Storage Cabinet
Lot (6) Wood Laminate Desks
Tempmaster Mold Master MZ-LT
Delta Hot Runner Controller
Maguire WSB-140R Blender; 2007; 3-Color
Maguire WSB-140R Blender; 2006; 1-Color
Maguire WSB-140R Blender; 3-Color; Includes (1) Hopper
Maguire WSB-140Rm1 Blender; 3-Color; Includes (2) Hoppers
Maguire WSB-MB Blender; 2005; 4-Color; Includes (4) Hoppers
Maguire WSB-MB Blender; 4-Color; Includes (4) Hoppers
Maguire WSB-M31 Blender; 4-Color; Includes (4) Hoppers
Industrial Job Light
Air Tank Dolly with (2) Tanks