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OptoLum LED Lighting
Venue address
1407 West 10Th Place
Suite 107
Tempe, AZ
United States
OptoLum LED Lighting

Complete Closure of Specification-Grade LED Facility Well-Maintained Tempe Machine Shop Including: Vertical Machining, Milling, Aluminum Saws, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 07, 2022 08:00 AM MT
Ends from: Mar 16, 2022 12:00 PM MT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 61 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Brady Model BP-PR300 Plus, Label Printer
Rigid Model R86034, Drill
Pelican Model 1740 Case w/ Wheels
Pelican Model 1510 Case w/ Wheels
Pelican Model 1650 Case w/ Wheels
Pelican Model 0550 Case w/ Wheels
(2) Dynex Camera Stands
Epson SureColor SC-T5000, 36
Rotatrim Technical/Digitech Cutter 114
Portable Server Rack (No Contents)
Chauvet Model DMX7, Controller
Fusion 3 F410, High Performance 3D Printer
(26) MagTech Model WH-LO3E-350, LED Driver (New)
(31) MagTech Model WH-LO3E-350, LED Driver (New)
(31) MagTech Model WH-LO3E-350, LED Driver (New)
(27) MagTech Model WH-LO3E-350, LED Driver (New)
Lot 273
Lot 285
Lot 286
(19) LTech Model WiFi-104, Led Controllers (New)
TCL 65
LG Model 70UK6570AUB, 70
(6) HP Laser Jet P20035, Printer
(10) Flat Screen Computer Monitors
(10) Flat Screen Computer Monitors
Cisco Phone SPA508G qty (7)
(1) PolyCom IP600 (1) Polycom Sound station 2
3 Comm phone qty (2)
Leviton UL 515PR round plug qty (6)