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OptoLum LED Lighting
Venue address
1407 West 10Th Place
Suite 107
Tempe, AZ
United States
OptoLum LED Lighting

Complete Closure of Specification-Grade LED Facility Well-Maintained Tempe Machine Shop Including: Vertical Machining, Milling, Aluminum Saws, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 07, 2022 08:00 AM MT
Ends from: Mar 16, 2022 12:00 PM MT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 225 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Steinel Model HL1810S, Three Stage Heat Gun (New)
Steinel Model HL1810S, Three Stage Heat Gun (New)
Steinel Model HL1810S, Three Stage Heat Gun (New)
(2) Steinel Model HL1810S, Three Stage Heat Guns
Lot of Cutting Tools
Lot of Wire Cutting/Stripping Tools
Lot of Wire Cutting/Stripping Tools
(8) Cutting Tools
(5) Irwin Quick-Grips, Clamps
Lot of Tape Measures & Utility Knives
(3) Black & Decker Screw Guns
Lot of Cutting Tools & Straight-Cut Snips
Chicago Electric Model 60495, Hammer Drill
(6) Rigid Tool Bags
Lot of Safety Glasses
Pneumatic Foot Pedal Control
(2) Rubbermaid 2-Tier Carts
(2) Rubbermaid 2-Tier Carts
(2) Rubbermaid 2-Tier Carts
(2) Rubbermaid 2-Tier Carts
(10) Sections of Metal Racks (No Contents)
Zeks HeatSink 10HSFA100, True Cycling Air Dryer
132' Plus of Poly Air Conduit w/ (12) Air Stations
(2) 3-Step Staircase Ladders
(2) Bostitch Model P51, Staple Guns w/ Staples
Global Flammable Storage Cabinet 43
RazorGage Cyclone 600, Upcut Aluminum CNC Saw
Delta Model 50-905, Portable Cyclone Dust Collector
Central Machinery Model 67617, Vibratory Tumbler
Lot of Assorted Machine Handle Attachments
Model 828929, 1/2 hp AC Motor, 1 Phase/120V
Haul Master Roller Stand (New)
Sunset Model FD1A08, 8' Step Ladder, Capacity 300 lbs
(5) Rubber Floor Mats
Lifting Hook w/ Chain
(2) Wood Portable Work Carts; Portable Work Station
Heavy Duty Cantilever Materials Rack
Heavy Duty Double Sided Cantilever Materials Rack
Heavy Duty Double Sided Cantilever Materials Rack
Heavy Duty Cantilever Materials Rack
(6) 36