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OptoLum LED Lighting
Venue address
1407 West 10Th Place
Suite 107
Tempe, AZ
United States
OptoLum LED Lighting

Complete Closure of Specification-Grade LED Facility Well-Maintained Tempe Machine Shop Including: Vertical Machining, Milling, Aluminum Saws, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 07, 2022 08:00 AM MT
Ends from: Mar 16, 2022 12:00 PM MT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 32 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Poly Carrying Cases; (2) Fabric Carrying Cases
(5) Adjustable Chairs
Metro Mail Cart; Metro 4-Tier Cart
(7) MagTech Model K2-U24-XL, Class 2 LED Driver (New)
(7) MagTech Model K2-U24-XL, Class 2 LED Driver (New)
Olympic Model 1410, Wire Length Meter
Peliccan Model 1470 Case w/ Wheels
Peliccan Model 1610 Case w/ Wheels
Peliccan Model 1610 Case w/ Wheels
(3) Desks; Rack; (3) Office Chairs; (2) Work Tables
Latem Co. Employee Time Clock
(4) Leather Style Chairs
(2) Foldable Camping Chairs
Lot of Office Supplies
Leather & Wood Swivel Chair w/ Tray Table
Plastic enclosures incl (1) large (3) small
Leviton Dimmers qty (8)