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LC Drives - Live Webcast
Venue address
55 Old Main St
Potsdam, NY
United States
LC Drives - Live Webcast

Electric Motor Manufacturing & R&D Facility--Precision CNC Machining-Turning-Fabricating-Grinding Dynamometer-Balancer-Inspection=Test & Measurement

Auction dates
Apr 26, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
Apr 25, 2022 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 298 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Genesis GES40 Electric Metal Shear
DeWalt 4-1/2
DeWalt 20 V. 1/2
DeWalt 20 V. 1/4
DeWalt 20 V. 1/4
Box w/ (3) Pneumatic 1/4
(4) Torque Wrenches, 3/4
Box w/ Sockets, Nut Drives, Neiko Socket Set
Box w/ SAE Sockets
Box w/ Metric Sockets
Box w/ SAE & Metric End Wrenches
Box w/ SAE & Metric End Wrenches
Box w/ SAE & Metric End Wrenches
Box w/ SAE & Metric Gear Wrenches
Box w/ Adjustable Wrenches
Box w/ Channel Locks, Vise Grips
Box w/ Snips, Wiss Bender, Pliers, Cutters
(3) Ball Pin Hammers
(3) Lixie Hammers
Box w/ Files, Rethreading Files
Box w/ Phillips & Standard Screwdrivers
Box w/ Nut Drivers & Torx Screwdrivers
Ridgid 24
Box w/ Assorted Clamps
Box w/ Punch & Die Set
Box w/ Sdt Annular Cutter Set,
Box w/ Drill Index, Irwin Drill Index, Drills
Box w/ Chisels, Pry Bars
Box w/ Allen Wrenches
Box w/ Allen Wrenches
Box w/ Flex- Hones, Stones
Notcher For Steel Tubing/ Pipe
Box w/ Hole Saws
Box w/ Noga Deburrers, Deburring Blades
Box w/ HSS Keyway Broach, Step Drills
Box w/ Drill Chucks
Box w/ Assorted Abrasives
US General 8-Drawer Tool Chest
US General 8-Drawer Tool Chest
2019 Doosan DNM 6700 CNC Vertical Machining Center
2021 Doosan DNM 5700 CNC Vertical Machining Centers
(New In Box-Never Used) Mazak Integrex E-420H-II Spindle Unit
Large Diameter Boring Bar
2008 Haas TL 3B CNC Horizontal Lathe
CMT CSO Tech Induction Tool Shrinking Device
Renishaw OMP 60 Probe
Renishaw OMP 60 Probe
Renishaw OMP 60 Probe
(3) Renishaw Probes
(2) Cat 40 Taper Tool Boring Heads
Box w/ (5) Cat 40 Taper Tool Milling Heads