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LC Drives - Online Only
Venue address
55 Old Main St
Potsdam, NY
United States
LC Drives - Online Only

Electric Motor Manufacturing & R&D Facility--Precision CNC Machining-Turning-Fabricating-Grinding Dynamometer-Balancer-Inspection=Test & Measurement

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 18, 2022 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 27, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
Apr 25, 2022 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 33 items matching your search
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Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
LG 65
Westinghouse 58
(3) 28
(5) 24
(4) 24
(4) 24
(4) 24
Box w/ Computer Mice
Box w/ Keyboards
Altec Lansing Audio System
RM 850 Computer Drive
(9) 28
(5) 24
(5) Assorted Size Flatscreen Computer Monitors
(2) Rolling TV Stands, Model ONA19TM900
(2) Dell Poweredge T230 Hard Drives
(6) Assorted Flatscreen Computer Monitors, Power Strips
Ames Digital Video Inspection Camera
Lock Out Cabinet, 76
Tripp Lite Isolator IS250 Isolation Transformer
(2) Differential Probes, 1000 V RMS Max
Extech Digital LCR Meter, Digital Tachometer, Hart Modem
Tektronics Differential Probe, Model TDP1000, 1Ghz
Moocy Protective Case
(4) 24
(4) Assorted Flatscreen Computer Monitors
Dymo Label Manager 160, Label Cassettes
HP Office Jet Pro 8630, Model SNPRC-1401-02