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TTI Floor Care
Venue address
7005 Cochran Rd
Glenwillow, OH
United States
TTI Floor Care

Surplus Equipment to the Ongoing Operations of TTI Floor Care Assets from a 450k Sq Ft Distribution Center for Hoover, Oreck, & Dirt Devil

Auction dates
Starts: May 23, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 01, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
May 31, 2022 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
Accepted cards
We found 41 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Engineer Square w/ Wood Case
Lot of Steel Capsule Hinges
Engineer Square w/ Wood Case
ArcMeter Co Model B, Arcmeter w/ Wood Case
Global Shipping Station w/ Lower Cabinet & Drawers
Destroyit Model 4003, Paper Shredder; 2-Door Cabinet
Rug Roll Rack Capacity 10 Rolls, 38
Hesco Model H200, Stationary Compactor
(2) 2-Drawer Horizontal File Cabinets
(2) 4-Drawer Vertical File Cabinets
WasteQuip Model 6030HD, Vertical Baler
Max-Pak Model MP72X30, Vertical Baler
Tektrix ClimbMax Treadmill
Sports Art Fitness Model C532U, Stationary Bike
Sports Art Fitness Model C532R, Stationary Bike
Sports Art Fitness Model E822, Elliptical Machine
Sports Art Fitness Model E822, Elliptical Machine
Sports Art Fitness Model TR32, Treadmill
Sports Art Fitness Model TR32, Treadmill
Sports Art Fitness Model TR32, Treadmill
BodyCraft Model VR100, Rowing Machine
Crunch Rack; Wall Mounted Chin-Up Bar
Body-Solid Cable Training Machine w/ Accessories
Body-Solid Leg Press Machine
Body-Solid Thigh Machine
Body-Solid Pectoral/Delts Machine
Body-Solid Lat Pull-Down Machine
Body-Solid Bicep/Tricep Machine
Diamondback Fitness Model 910ic, Stationary Bike
Body-Solid AB/Back Machine
Body-Solid Leg Machine
Body-Solid Chest/Shoulder Machine
TuffStuff Smith Machine w/ BodyCraft Incline Bench
TuffStuff Bench Press Rack; (2) BodyCraft Benches
(3) Weight Racks w/ Weights 5lbs to 45lbs
TKO Dumbbell Rack w/ (2) TDS Dumbbell Sets
Dumbbell Rack w/ Dumbbell Set
Dumbbell Rack w/ Dumbbell Set
BYK Gardner Abrasion Tester
Borozin Gun Powder Kit; Piston Kit
(5) 2-Door Cabinets; (2) 4-Drawer Vertical File Cabinet