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API Technologies
Venue address
23 N Division Street
Auburn, NY
United States
API Technologies

(150+) Lots of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment: (25+) Microscopes, (10+) Ovens and Environmental Chambers Complete Machine Shop, And Much More

Auction dates
Starts: May 27, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 02, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jun 01, 2022 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 571 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Darex Drill Sharpener
Steel Block Pulley
Opto Engineering Co. m/n C200B
Inspection Gage
The Taft -Peirce Co. Machine Level
Cadillac Gage Co. Pla-Chek, m/n D10074
Lot 8
Burgess ViBro-Tool
Wilton Bench Vise
Lot. (2) Machine Vises
Lot. (3) Small Vises
Lot. (4) Small Vises
Lot. (4) Small Vises
Lot. (4) Small Vises
Strippit 4BN 1 3/4
Lot. Angle Plates V Blocks on cart & on floor
Bridgeport Machine Vise 6
Kurt II Vise 4
AngLock Machine Vise
Lot. Tool Bosch 120V. Drill, Milwaukee Drill
Lot. Inspection Gages w/ Cart
Lot. (1) Snap-On Torqometer Wrench
Milton Hole Gage
Height Gage w/ 10
B & S 19
Brown & Sharp Digital - Hite IV
LBS 24
Lot. (7) Micrometer Calipers
Dial Calipers (2) 6
Kennedy Tool Box w/ Assorted Tools
Lot. BT40 Tooling w/ Cart & Rack
Lot. CAT 40 Tooling on bench top
Chevalier FSG-618 Surface Grinder
Blanchard No. II Rotary Surface Grinder
Lot of Tooling for Blanchard Grinders w/ Table
Harrison AA, 13
Bridgeport Series J 1HP Vertical Mill, Out of Service
Pexto #137 Foot Sheer
Hand Sheer Cap. 16 Gage 24
Hand Sheer Cap. 16 Gage 24
Rockwell Dual Drill Press
National Finger Brake 52
Rockwell Pedestal Drill Press
South Bend Drill Press
DoAll 2013-V Vertical Band Saw
Boice Crane Band 120V.
Porter Cable Pedestal Belt Sander
Belt Sander 120V. 1
MK Brick Saw 14
Kalamazoo Cut-Off Saw 3hp. 3ph.
Powermatic Band Saw w/ Bladewelder
Lincoln AC 225amp Welder 220V