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API Technologies
Venue address
23 N Division Street
Auburn, NY
United States
API Technologies

(150+) Lots of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment: (25+) Microscopes, (10+) Ovens and Environmental Chambers Complete Machine Shop, And Much More

Auction dates
Starts: May 27, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 02, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jun 01, 2022 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 37 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
HP 85047A Parameter Test Set, HP Network Analyzer 8753B
Custom Built Multi-Pulse Monitor RF w/ Counter
2-Door Cabinet w/ Olympus Camera Unit
Lot. (2) 8656B Signal Generators
HP 8770A Arbitrary WaveForm Synthesizer
HP 8770A Arbitrary WaveForm Synthesizer
HP 8770A Arbitrary WaveForm Synthesizer
HP 8770A Arbitrary WaveForm Synthesizer
HP 8770A Arbitrary WaveForm Synthesizer
Systron Donner Signal Generator, m/n 1702
Agilent 8753ES S-Parameter Network Analyzer
HP 8753ES S-Parameter Network Analyzer
HP 8753ES S-Parameter Network Analyzer
Agilent 8753ES S-Parameter Network Analyzer
LAMBDA Dual Regulated Power Supply
EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 300L
EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 300L
EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 300L
EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 300L
EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 300L
Lot. (2) EIN RF Power Supply Amplifier, m/n 500 LA
Lot. (2) EIN RF Power Supply Amplifier, m/n 500 LA
HP Modulation Analyzer, m/n 8901B
HP Network Analyzer 5 Hz - 200 MHz, m/n 3577A
HP Network Analyzer 5 Hz - 200 MHz, m/n 3577A
HP Dynamic Signal Analyzer, m/n 3561A
Lot. (1) EIN RF Power Amplifier, m/n 325 LA
Sencore LC102 Auto-Z Capacitor - Inductor Analyzer
Lot. Olympus TGH Optical Control
Agilent 8753ES S-Parameter Network Analyzer
Marconi Instruments 2018A Signal Generator
Lot. Metal Shelf w/ (6) Laser Jet Printers
Overhead Projector, Optoma Projector
Kroy 80 Lettering System