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API Technologies
Venue address
23 N Division Street
Auburn, NY
United States
API Technologies

(150+) Lots of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment: (25+) Microscopes, (10+) Ovens and Environmental Chambers Complete Machine Shop, And Much More

Auction dates
Starts: May 27, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 02, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jun 01, 2022 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET
Auction currency
Accepted cards
We found 84 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Fisher Scientific ISO Temp Oven, m/n 630F
Neslab Recirculating Chiller, m/n HX300
Tenney JR. Oven
Lot 130
Damon / IEC Division IEC B-20A Centrifuge
Varian Checker, m/n 936-70 SP
Sethco Tank Heater
Portable Lab Table 3-Tier
NesLab HX300 Recirculating Chiller
Laboratory Oven 115V. 1600watts
Exhaust Fume Cabinet Used For Electro Plating
Lab Cabinet 48
Laboratory Oven 115V.
Exhaust Fume Cabinet 72
Electroglas 200IX Prober w/ Monitor
Unitron ZSB #873297 Microscope w/ Stand
Lab Table 90
Lab Table 102' x 36
Bausch & Lomb Microscope
Lot. Weights (2) 50lbs., (1) 10lbs., (5) Small Ones
Bausch & Lomb Microscope, Light w/ Granite Plate
Bausch & Lomb Microscope
Lot. PPE Rubber Gloves, Lab Coats w/ Table
Lot. Bausch & Lomb Microscope Stereo Zoom 5
Lot. Bausch & Lomb Microscope
Fume Hood Cabinet 60
Fisher Scientific Lab Stirrer
Bausch & Lomb Microscope w/ Metcal Solder Iron
Lot. Bausch & Lomb w/ Radiometer Photometer
Lot. Lab Glass, Dri Box, Acid Etch Tank
Reverse Osmosis DI Water System
Lab Table
Lot 269
HotPack Oven 40
(2) 2-Door Cabinets w/ Lab Glass, Lab Supplies
Lot. BK C Meter 810B, BK Test Bench 390
Lot. (3) Fluke 52 Thermometer
Nikon (2) Fiber Optic Lights
Agilent DC Power Supply, m/n E3632A
Agilent DC Power Supply, m/n E3632A
Agilent DC Power Supply, m/n E3632A
Agilent DC Power Supply, m/n E3632A
Agilent Triple Output DC Power Supply, m/n E3631A
HP Spectrum Analyzer, m/n 3582A
HP Oscilloscope, s/n 2307A 01691, m/n 1743A
HP 8563E Spectrum Analyzer 30 Hz - 26.5 GHz
HP 8563EC Spectrum Analyzer 30 Hz - 26.5 GHz
HP 54601A Oscilloscope 4 Channel 100 MHz
HP SS - 5712 Oscilloscope
HP 465-B Oscilloscope
Lot of (3) Probers
(2) HP 5386A Frequency Counter
Lot. HP 437B Powermeter
Agilent E3620A Dual Output DC Power Supply
HP 3312OA 15MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Lot. HP 5385A, HP 5386A Frequency Counter
HP 5342A Microwave Frequency Counter
(2) Keithley 230 Programmable Voltage Source