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Weiss Instruments: Machine Shop & Assembly Operation
Venue address
905 Waverly Ave
Holtsville, NY
United States
Weiss Instruments: Machine Shop & Assembly Operation

Temperature & Pressure Instruments & Control Mfr. Complete Machine Shop & Assembly Operation Lathes - Punch Presses - Swagers - Glass Crushing

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 20, 2022 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 28, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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We found 33 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Alva Allen 12-Ton Punch Press
Lathe w/ 3-Jaw Chuck
Delta Milwaukee Pedestal Drill Press
(2) Bron Angle Plates
Brown & Sharpe 18
Walker Turner 5-Spindle Drill Press
Clausing Model 1670 Pedestal Drill Press
Bridgeport 1-HP Vertical Milling Machine
Walker Turner Pedestal Drill Press
Clausing Multi-Spindle Pedestal Drill Press
Clausing Model 5914 Lathe
Dennison Model 6-Ton Multipress
Dukane Sonic Welder
Walsh 28-Ton Punch Press
Bliss Approx. 20-Ton Punch Press
Miller SR-150-30 Constant Current AC Arc Welding Power Source
Elgin Turret Head Lathe
Diacro Power Shear / Metal Cutter
Stimpson Riveting Machine
Baldor 1/2-HP Double Ended 6
Clausing Series 16SC Variable Speed Pedestal Drill Press
Baldor 3/4-HP Double Ended Buffer Grinder
Baldor 1/3-HP 6
Jet 6
Chas. G. Allen 4-Head Multiple Spindle Pedestal Drill Press