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Late Model Precision Injection Molding & Packaging Facility
Venue address
400 N Harvey Rd
Mt Pleasant, IA
United States
Late Model Precision Injection Molding & Packaging Facility

Clean Room Pristine Condition Hybrid 600 Ton Injection Molders, Blenders, Driers, Themolators, More…

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 12, 2022 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Aug 16, 2022 11:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
Aug 15, 2022 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM CT
Auction currency
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We found 105 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Milwaukee Electric Magnum Holeshooter
Milwaukee Electric Holeshooter
Milwaukee Electric Magnum Holeshooter
Dewalt Circular Saw
Milwaukee Electric Hammer Drill
Greenlee Knockout Punch Driver Set
Greenlee Knockout Punch Driver Set
Milwaukee Magnetic Drill
Bench Mounted Vice
Wellsaw Horizontal Band Saw
Metal Cabinet with All Contents
DoAll Abrasive Cutoff Saw
Baldor Double End Grinder/Buffer
Miller Syncrowave 350 Welder
Steel Welding Table approx 3x6'
Lincoln SP-175 Plus Welder
Welding Curtains
Okamoto Linear 6-18 Surface Grinder
Baldor Double End Grinder
Baldor Double End Carbide Grinder
Baldor Pedestal Grinder
Brown & Sharpe No 13 Universal Grinder
Assorted Grinding Wheels
Metal Cabinet and Contents
Miller MaxStar 152 Welder with Intelitig 4
D-M-E Pro Weld Welder
Enco Demagnetizer
HoldHeet Solder Pot
Assorted Clamps Vices Tools on Wall
Wilton Bench Vice
Wilton Bench Vice
Wilton Bench Vice
Wilton Bench Vice
Weller Solder Station and Heat Gun
Lot of Clamps and Vices
Palmgren Arbor Press
Lot of Assorted Screwdrivers
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Armstrong Torque Wrench
Wilton Pedestal Drill Press
Econoline Sand Blast Cabinet
Di-acro Shear No 4
H-Frame Hydraulic Press Enerpac
DeWalt 4 1/2
Metabo Concrete Grinder
Suburban Tool Magnetic Parallel
Mitutoyo 12
Granite Surface Plate With Stand
Granite Inspection Stand
5C Collet Holder
Kanetsu Permanent Magnetic Chuck
Harig Grind All No.1 Fixture
Harig Basic-Head Fixture
Radius Dresser
Lot 135
Grinder Attachment