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Late Model Precision Injection Molding & Packaging Facility
Venue address
400 N Harvey Rd
Mt Pleasant, IA
United States
Late Model Precision Injection Molding & Packaging Facility

Clean Room Pristine Condition Hybrid 600 Ton Injection Molders, Blenders, Driers, Themolators, More…

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 12, 2022 08:00 AM CT
Ends from: Aug 16, 2022 11:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
Aug 15, 2022 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM CT
Auction currency
Accepted cards
We found 123 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Bosch SpirAcut
Tuf Tug Hoist/ Puller
Assorted Spools of Wire
Louisville 12
Metal 4-Drawer Cabinet No Contents
Metal 4-Drawer Cabinet No Contents
DataPlate Digital Hot Plate
Brunner Steel Tank
(9) Assorted Knees
2500-LB Portable Die Cart
2500-LB Portable Die Cart
2500-LB Portable Die Cart
Steel Table approx 3x6', No Contents
Steel Table approx 3x8', No Contents
2500-LB Portable Die Cart
2500-LB Portable Die Cart
Assorted Straps, Harnesses and Slings
Inspection Blocks
(2) Long Range Indicators
Myron L Ultrameter II
Hydraulic Pressure Test Gauges
Die Handles
Lot 170
Standard Taps
Lot 171
Metric Taps
Lot 172
Standard And Metric Dies
Lot 177
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair Tempro TCI-DI Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2-BAAN Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2-BAAN Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-2 Temperature Controller
Conair TW-P Temperature Controller
Conair TW-P Temperature Controller
Conair TW-P Temperature Controller
Mokon DV4009SV Dual-Zone Temperature Controller
Mokon DV4009SV Dual-Zone Temperature Controller
Advantage Sentra Temperature Controller (2015)
Maguire WSB-140R Weigh Scale Blender
Conair TB-100 Blender