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Sterlingwear of Boston
Venue address
175 William F Mcclellan Hwy
Boston, MA
United States
Sterlingwear of Boston

Complete Closure of Sewing & Embroidery Facility (100+) Sewing Machines: Juki, Brother, Singer & More (100+) Lots of Support, Tool Room & Spare Parts

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 30, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 31, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 264 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Kuang Yih HC-530 Cutting Machines
Juki Union Special Sewing Machine
(4) MBC Industrial Supply Model 6805-1010 Arbor Presses
TRC 1000 VS Strip Cutter
Nawon Machinery HTM-4101 Seam Sealing System
(4) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
Brother RH-9820-01 Electronic Eyelet Button Holer
(3) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
Yamato VC2713-156L-1 Sewing Machine
Reece Model S2-SRWD Sewing Machine
(4) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
(2) Brother Exedra Sewing Machines
(3) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
Mitsubishi PLK-B1006 Sewing Machine
Robeson NT-2210G-01A Sewing Machine
(2) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
(3) Brother Exedra DB2-B737-413 Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
Brother KE-430F-0 Sewing Machine
(3) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
(4) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
Durkopp Adler 580 Premium Multiflex Sewing Machine
(3) Sewing Machines
Juki LK-1903A-SS Sewing Machine with Table and Accessories
(3) Large Metal Carts
(3) Large Metal Carts
(2) Siska N00 Eleylet - Frommet - Rivet Setting Machine
Eyelet Enterprises Model J-3 Press
Reece Corp. Sewing Machine
Brother DH4-B980-01 Sewing Machine
Brother LK3-B310-111 Sewing Machine
Global BH9881 Sewing Machine
Willcox & Gibbs 515/IV-3 with Table and Accessory Parts
(4) Sewing Machines
(3) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
Mitsubishi LY3-6850 Sewing Machine
(2) Sewing Machines
(3) Sewing Machines
(2) Sewing Machines
Brother LT2-B845-405 Sewing Machine
Durkopp Sewing Machine
(2) Sewing Machines
(2) Tables with Lamp Attachments and Foot Pedal Systems