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Sterlingwear of Boston
Venue address
175 William F Mcclellan Hwy
Boston, MA
United States
Sterlingwear of Boston

Complete Closure of Sewing & Embroidery Facility (100+) Sewing Machines: Juki, Brother, Singer & More (100+) Lots of Support, Tool Room & Spare Parts

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 30, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 31, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 17 items matching your search
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TRC 1000 VS Strip Cutter
(2) Microwaves
General Electric Model KTS18GBSARWW Refrigerator
Berryhill/ Dale Hydraulic Press Machine
Oasis PSWSA1SHS-H101 Water Dispenser
Oasis PSWSA1SHS-H101 Water Dispenser
Kitchen Equipment
Frigidaire FRTC03B5GM Refrigerator
(2) Keurig Coffee Machines
Oasis PSWSA1SHS-H101 Water Dispenser with Purifier
Oasis PSWSA1SHS-H101 Water Dispenser with Purifier
Oasis PSWSA1SHS-H101 Water Dispenser with Purifier
Green Cart No Table Top
Gerber Plotter Model Infinity Year 2000
Multiple Large Work Tables
Amana Fridge Model A4TXNWFWW01