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MicroLabs Scientific
Venue address
19 Sterling Rd
North Billerica, MA
United States
MicroLabs Scientific

Closure of Boston Semiconductor & MEMS Lab Hitachi SEM, (5+) Microscopes, Optical Profiler, Laser Vibrometer

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 12, 2022 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Sep 21, 2022 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 89 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Agilent 16702B Logic Analyzer
Agilent 33250A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Tektronix MSO4034B Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Tektronix AFG3102 Dual Channel Arbitrary/Function Generator
Tektronix AFG3102C Dual Channel Arbitrary/Function Generator
Mastech HY3003D-3 Variable DC Power Supply
Mastech HY3003D-3 Variable DC Power Supply
Mastech HY3010E-2 Variable DC Power Supply
Mastech HY6003D Variable Regulated Linear DC Power Supply
GW Instek GPS-4303 Laboratory DC Power Supply
Tektronix TM506 Power Module Mainframe
EXFO Acticure 4000 Spot Curing System
(2) FLC Electronics F10AD Dual Channel Voltage Linear Amplifiers
UTHE 40H P2 Ultrasonic Generator
FLC Electronics Dual Channel Voltage Linear Amplifier
FLC Electronics Dual Channel Voltage Linear Amplifier
FLC Electronics F10AD Dual Channel Voltage Linear Amplifier
Tabor Electronics WW2074 Waveform Generator
DEI PCX7410 Laser Diode Driver
National Instruments USB-6366 X Series Multifunction DAQ
Large Lot of Nation Instruments (NI) Components and Spare Parts
AmScope Stereo Zoom Microscope
AmScope Stereo Zoom Microscope
Motic PSM-1000 Microscope
ASI 3-Axis Power Stage
Chatillon Ametek DFE Series Force Gauge
ASI 3-Axis Power Stage
Leica Zoom 2000 Illuminated Stereo Zoom Microscope
South Bay Technology 900 Grinder/Polisher
Elma TI-H-10 MF3 Ultrasonic Bath
Edwards RV-12 Vacuum Pump
Thorlabs PBG12105 Breadboard Table
Newport SG-22-2 Optical Breadboard Table
Isolation Table
Lot 37A
(2) Thorlabs Optical Stages
Lot of Assorted Optical Components
Lot of (3) Vacuum Pumps
Lot of Newport Optical Components
Simco Aerostat Guardian Ionizing Air Blower
Lot of (6) Pneumatic Valves w/ Kaeser Quick Connects
Lot of Multi-Stage Gas Regulators
Foscam FI8918W IP Camera
Isolation Table
Lot 49A
Lot of Various Imaging Equipment
IMPERX B6620M Fully Programmable CCD Camera
Teledyne Dalsa Sapera Essential Camera
IMPERX B6620M Fully Programmable CCD Camera
Lot of (2) MKS Mass-Flo Controller
Lot of (2) Spectroline SB-100PY Semiconductor Wafer Inspection Lamps