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API Technologies
Venue address
1900 W College Ave
State College, PA
United States
API Technologies

1000+ Lots including: MyData MY12, (200+) Feeders and (10+) Mycronic Magazines (250+) Lots of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment and Much More!

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 26, 2022 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Nov 01, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Oct 31, 2022 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 435 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Techni-Quip Corp T-Q/TOI-1 light source
UL E134528 fluid dispenser system
Hakko FT-801 thermal wire stripper
(2) Meisei Hotweezer thermal wire strippers
JBC tools DDE-1B 2-tool digital Control unit
JBC tools DDE-1C 2-tool digital Control unit
JBC tools CLMB-A senior tip Cleaner
JBC tools CLMB-A senior tip Cleaner
JFW Industries 50FH-001-300 fixed attenautor
Lot of (3) API Weinschel 10217-1-33 fixed coaxial attenautors
(2) PanaVises
Lot 42
Lot of Misc. PanaVises
Lot of stands
Lot 44
KeySight 85039B calibration kit
(3) Meisei Hotweezer thermal wire stripper
Dataplate digital hot plate
(2) West Bond K1200D temperature Controllers
LR Tech Xtreme hot plate
Electrical enclosure
Universal conveyor
Baron Blakeslee MSR-216 LE vapor degreaser
SMTmax OMXIE AS-5060 reflow oven
Aqueous Technologies ZI-100A 'Zero-Ion' ionic contamination tester
Mydata Agilis LM8 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM8 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM8 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM8 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM1216 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM1216 feeder magazine
Mydata Agilis LM1216 feeder magazine
Mydata VMF30 feeder magazine
Mydata TMC Flex feeder magazine
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 3.7 green 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 3.7 green 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (7) Mydata Agilis 3.7 green 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (10) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (4) Mydata Agilis 4.0 white 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 4.7 yellow 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 4.7 yellow 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 4.7 yellow 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 4.7 yellow 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 4.7 yellow 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts
Lot of (5) Mydata Agilis 5.4 red 8mm feeder inserts