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API Technologies
Venue address
1900 W College Ave
State College, PA
United States
API Technologies

1000+ Lots including: MyData MY12, (200+) Feeders and (10+) Mycronic Magazines (250+) Lots of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment and Much More!

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 26, 2022 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Nov 01, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Oct 31, 2022 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
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We found 313 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Lot of Aeroflex / Weinschel RF attenautors
Adjustable halogen lamp
Aeroflex Weinschel 49-3-43 attenautor
Aeroflex Weinschel 49-40-43 attenautor
(2) Aeroflex Weinschel 49-3-34 attenautors
(2) Aeroflex Weinschel 49-30-34 attenautors
(4) Aeroflex Weinschel 49-30-34 attenautors
JFW Industries 50FH-002-300 fixed attenautor
JFW Industries 50FH-004-100-2, fixed attenautor
LDS SC-8D helium leak regulator
LDS SC-8D helium leak regulator
(8) Cole-Parmer lifting stages
Cole Palmer jiffy jack
Agilent N4431-60006 electronic calibration module
Thermolyne Type 10600 hot plate oven
Corning PC-35 hot plate
Barnstead Thermolyne Type 1900 hot plate
(2) Thermolyne Nuova II hot plates
Cole-Parmer StableTemp stirring hot plate
Cole-Parmer StableTemp stirring hot plate
Barnstead Thermolyne HP133735 Super-Nuova digital hot plate
Barnstead Thermolyne HP133735 Super-Nuova digital hot plate
Corning PC-400D hot plate
Corning PC-400D hot plate
Automated Production systems Gold-Flow GF-SL hot plate
Barnstead Thermolyne HP131725 Super-Nuova digital hot plate
Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom 4 microscope
Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom 4 microscope
Bausch & Lomb Stereozoom microscope
Bausch & Lomb StereoZoom 5 microscope
LMS Laboratory marking system
Yamato DKN400 constant temperature oven
Leak detector
Lot 159
Solid State Equipment Corp (SSEC) GDO-600-2
Magic Chef HMBR350SE1 refrigerator
Test Equity 107 test chamber
Varian 956 mass spectrometer leak detector
Yamato DKN400 constant temperature oven
Baxter Scientific Products DK-43 constant temperature oven
(3) HP 436A power meters
HP 34401A multimeter
Keithley 2230G-30-3 triple channel DC power supply
(1) Agilent E3620A dual output DC power supply
Environmental stress system TEM
Omega 115JC thermocouple thermometer
(2) Omega 650 Type T thermocouple thermometers
HP 425A power meter
Agilent N1913A EPM series power meter
Luxo Corporation 150w fiber illuminator
HP 437B power meter
Agilent N1913A EPM series power meter
Systron Donner 6246A frequency counter
(2) HP 5351B microwave frequency counters
Agilent 34401A digit multimeter
Gwinstek GPS-2303 laboratory DC power supply
Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX3034T digital storage oscilloscope,
Fluke 8840A/AF multimeter
HP 34401A multimeter
Systron Donner 6245B microwave frequency counter