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Radienz Living - Day 2
Venue address
100 & 105 Emjay Blvd
Brentwood, NY
United States
Radienz Living - Day 2

2-Day Auction: Leading Manufacturer of Home and Personal Care Products, w/ Late Model Cannister Lines, Wet Wipe and Flat Pack Prod Lines, & Much More

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 19, 2022 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 22, 2022 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 119 items matching your search
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2013 Kansan model DYN-WA-120 flow wrap machine
2013 Kansan model DYN-WO-80K robotic lid applicator
Teknoweb Futura 20-stand wet wipe cutting stacking machine
PFM / Kansan flow wrapper
PFM / Kansan flow wrapper
Teknoweb Futura 20-stand wet wipe cutting stacking machine
PFM / Kansan flow wrapper
Approx. 12' x 16
Approx. 80
Approx. 13' x 9
(4) Adjustable roller top conveyors
(4) Adjustable roller top conveyors
(3) Material spool racks
Pallet of spare parts
Pallet of spare belts
Pallet of spare parts
Pallet of spare parts
Euro Etik front & back label applicating station
(2) All Packing Machinery model SBP14 manual bag packers
(3) All Packing Machinery model SBP14 manual bag packers
Section of bolt together 55-gallon storage racking
Mettler Toledo platform scale
Adam model GFK165AH 165-lb cap. digital scale
Digital scale
Lot 37
Custom made liquid gaylord storage rack
Approx. 2800-gallon polypropylene flat bottom tank
SII approx. 1000-gallon conical bottom polypropylene tank
Steel wash/dry receiving Tank
Pump station w/ diaphragm pump
Pump station w/ diaphragm pump
Perma-San 3,370-gallon stainless steel tank
Perma-San 3,370-gallon stainless steel tank
Innomag TB MAG XP transfer pump
Innomag TB MAG XP transfer pump
2000-gallon cap polypropylene liquid store tank
Fulton model FB-015-A natural gas steam boiler
Fulton model FB-015-A natural gas steam boiler
Ingersoll Rand approx. 300-gallon cap. air expansion tank
(4) Sections of bolt together heavy duty pallet racking