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Alloy Engineering Company
Venue address
304 Seaview Ave
Bridgeport, CT
United States
Alloy Engineering Company

Leading Thermowell Specialist & Mfr. Complete CNC & Conventional Machine Shop Mori Seiki & Doosan CNC Lathes, Welders, Gun Drills

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 23, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 28, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 41 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Royal filtermist model F900 mist collectors
Royal filtermist model F900 mist collector
2-Tier rolling cart w/ contents including tooling
(3) steel fixture plates
(3) steel fixture plates
(2) Baldor double ended grinders
Greymills parts washer, heated cleaning tank
Donaldson Torit 4-bag dust collector
(6) double sided raw material racks w/ raw material
Coffing model JLC 2-Ton electric chain hoist
Multi shelf raw material rack w/ contents
Ingersoll Rand approx. 15-hp air compressor
Kaeser model SK26 rotary screw air compressor
Zeks heat sync model 125HSEA200 refrigerated air dryer
Approx. 15' t x 12' l floor mount jib crane
Vestil 400-lb cap. Digital crane scale
(2) A-Frame fiberglass ladders
Barrel dolly
Lot 232
Craftsman toolbox & stack-on toolbox
Oil-spillover prevention platform
Barrel dolly & hand cart
(8) small shop fans
(4) Pedestal shop fans
(4) Pedestal shop fans
(4) Pedestal shop fans
Metal shelving
Lot 250
Parts drawers & shelving
Impact sealer & tape dispenser
(2) Pneumatic staple guns
Lot 256
Air tank
Lot 257
Approx 20' roller conveyor (2 sections)
(5) Rolling Metal Barrel Carts
Stanley Strapping Cart
5 Stair Stepladder with railing
(6) Two shelf rolling utility carts
(5) Two shelf rolling utility carts
Cardinal floor scale with digital read out