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Techna Plastics
Venue address
164 Seneca Road
Lehighton, PA
United States
Techna Plastics

Custom Injection Molding Facility Nissei & Mitsubishi Molders 300 to 600 ton Chillers-Air Compressors-Blenders-Sprue Pickers

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 13, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 168 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Ingersoll Rand UP6S-25-145 25-hp rotary screw air compressor
Champion CRN125A1 refrigerated air dryer
Horizontal tank air compressor
Ingersoll Rand D180IN dryer
Bridgeport Series 1 2-hp vertical milling machine
MSC 951710 2-hp vertical milling machine
Lagun 6-1/2 milling vice
Dake Johnson Vertical Metal Cutting Band Saw
P.Y.H. AP 5-Ton pedestal arbor press
(10) Durham / Little Giant 18 x 24 x 18
4-Door flammable storage cabinet
Milwaukee 40119 hand truck
Greenworks 1700 psi, 1.2 gpm pressure washer
DynaGlo Pro 70,000-125,000 BTU lpg heater
Master Pro 215 kerosene heater
Grade B black granite surface plate, 24 x 36 x 4.5
LAIP flex collets w/ box
IMS HAD-751 hopper dryer
(3) ORYCON THC-220-F mold controller mainframes
Rockwell Delta 31-520 belt sander
Parker oil change / filter cart w/ Dayton motor
Cumberland 12x20 20-hp granulator
Nissei FN6000 injection molding machine,
Maguire WSB-140R 3-color blender
Maguire WSB-100 Series color blender
Mitsubishi Model 320MJII injection molding machine
Mitsubishi Model 320MJII injection molding machine
EZ-Loader scissor lift
Uline H-1043 hydraulic pallet Jack
Uline H-1043 hydraulic pallet Jack
Various pneumatic hoses w/ fittings
Thermal Care accuchiller portable chiller
Van Dorn 700HRS125F 700-ton injection molding machine
Reed 700TE 700-ton injection molding machine
Thermalcare Accuchiller portable chiller
Evaporative Cooling Tower
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
Brock flex auger material overload switch
Newbury H1 30RS 30-ton injection molding machine
Chantland MHS Model 2010 filling machine
GE 912109103 transformer
Square D Cat# 30T12H transformer