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Techna Plastics
Venue address
164 Seneca Road
Lehighton, PA
United States
Techna Plastics

Custom Injection Molding Facility Nissei & Mitsubishi Molders 300 to 600 ton Chillers-Air Compressors-Blenders-Sprue Pickers

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 13, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 80 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Ingersoll Rand UP6S-25-145 25-hp rotary screw air compressor
Champion CRN125A1 refrigerated air dryer
Horizontal tank air compressor
(10) Durham / Little Giant 18 x 24 x 18
4-Door flammable storage cabinet
Milwaukee 40119 hand truck
Greenworks 1700 psi, 1.2 gpm pressure washer
DynaGlo Pro 70,000-125,000 BTU lpg heater
Master Pro 215 kerosene heater
Parker oil change / filter cart w/ Dayton motor
EZ-Loader scissor lift
Uline H-1043 hydraulic pallet Jack
Uline H-1043 hydraulic pallet Jack
Various pneumatic hoses w/ fittings
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
IMCS silo vacuum auger / loader w/ Baldor motor
GE 912109103 transformer
Square D Cat# 30T12H transformer
Square D Cat# 32TBH transformer
Square D Cat# 15T6H transformer
Square D Cat# 30T6H transformer
55-gallon drum shell S2 46 AW hydraulic oil
(2) Craftsman shop vacs
(2) Craftsman shop vacs
(2) Craftsman shop vacs
(1) Barrel dolly, (1) sorting table w/ overhead light
New London Engineering 521-10-3'0
LaRos incline conveyor
Global pedestal based floor fan
Lakewood pedestal based floor fan
Air Master pedestal based floor fan
Global pedestal based floor fan
Global pedestal based floor fan
EGA 4-Step rolling portable staircase
Cotterman 3-Step rolling portable staircase
Cotterman 3-Step rolling portable staircase
Cotterman 3-Step rolling portable staircase
Cotterman 4-Step rolling portable staircase
(7) Pressure vessels w/ custom skid
Pallet of heater bands, spray cans & general parts
Castered tote, mop buckets, oily waste can
Pallet lot of pneumatic & hydraulic hoses, manifolds
(2) 2-door metal storage cabinets w/ contents
(2) Small Part bin organizers w/ contents
Metal dumping hopper w/ casters
Portable toolbox w/ rear wheels
Werner 7406 6' folding ladder
(2) Star Seiki robot power supplies
Uline H-8053 labeler
Hydraulic pump w/ 115D10 punch driver
CM Moore 1-1/2-Ton trolley
Pipe wrench, pipe cutter, DeWalt tool set
Dremel Tool accessory kit w/ box