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Techna Plastics
Venue address
164 Seneca Road
Lehighton, PA
United States
Techna Plastics

Custom Injection Molding Facility Nissei & Mitsubishi Molders 300 to 600 ton Chillers-Air Compressors-Blenders-Sprue Pickers

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 13, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Feb 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 63 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Ingersoll Rand D180IN dryer
(3) ORYCON THC-220-F mold controller mainframes
Cumberland 12x20 20-hp granulator
Nissei FN6000 injection molding machine,
Maguire WSB-140R 3-color blender
Maguire WSB-100 Series color blender
Mitsubishi Model 320MJII injection molding machine
Mitsubishi Model 320MJII injection molding machine
Thermal Care accuchiller portable chiller
Van Dorn 700HRS125F 700-ton injection molding machine
Reed 700TE 700-ton injection molding machine
Thermalcare Accuchiller portable chiller
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
Galvanized Steel bolted resin storage silo
Newbury H1 30RS 30-ton injection molding machine
DME mold controller mainframe w/ cart
Rapid granulator, 7 x 11
Cumberland 8 x 12
Plastic Process Equipment conveyor
Plastic Process Equipment 116763-13 vacuum loader
55-gallon drum oil containment system
55-gallon drum oil containment system
55-gallon drum oil containment system
55-gallon drum oil containment system
55-gallon drum oil containment system
(6) Plastic Process Equipment job sheet stands
5-Ton capacity lifting jib
Pallet of GE / ITE / Siemens switches w/ panel
GCI ice wagon chiller
Plastic Process Equipment / Alpa Robot P950WV picker
Maguire WSB-140R color blender
HydroTherm HT4C0909 temperature controller
HydroTherm HT4C0909 temperature controller
HydroTherm HT4C0909 temperature controller
Sterl-Tronic S8410-AX temperature controller
Plastic Process Equipment MFT1004C temperature controller
Plastic Process Equipment MFT1004C temperature controller
Plastic Process Equipment MFT1004C temperature controller
Unknown heat exchanger
(3) Carts, (1) table w/ contents
D.M.E. mold controller w/ plug in card
D.M.E. mold controller w/ plug in card
D.M.E. mold controller w/ plug in card
D.M.E. mold controller w/ plug in card
Castered cart w/ overhead
AEC Whitlock portable drying system
Acromark model 520-20 XYR hot stamping machine
Novatec / Conair hoppers, vacuum loader
(2) Plastic Process Equipment vacuum loaders
Unknown torch set
Bunting magnetic separator
Start International LD3500 LabelMoto dispenser