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Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment
Venue address
282A Quarry Road
Milford, CT
United States
Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment

Package of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment Keysight, Agilent, HP, JDSU & TDK Gear! Fujikura Fusion Splicer & Miyachi Solder/Weld System

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 07, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Mar 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 134 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Agilent E3648A dual output power supply
Agilent E3633A dc power supply
Agilent 8156A optical attenuator
JDS Uniphase HA1 optical attenuator
JDS Uniphase PE3 PMD emulator
Agilent 11896A polarization controller
Agilent E3614A dc power supply
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
HP 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
HP 86060C lightwave switch
Agilent 86060C lightwave switch
HP 86061C lightwave switch
Agilent 8163B lightwave multimeter
Agilent 8163A lightwave multimeter
Agilent 8163B lightwave multimeter
HP 86120C multi-wavelength meter
Agilent 8606C lightwave switch
Agilent DSO6034A oscilloscope
Agilent 86142B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Agilent 86140B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Agilent Infiniium DCA 86100A wide-bandwidth oscilloscope
Agilent 86116C plug-in module
Agilent 86106B plug-in module
Agilent 86106B plug-in module
Agilent 86107A precision timebase module
(2) Agilent 81624B optical heads
Agilent 2.4mm flexible test port set
Agilent 87421 power supply
Agilent 11940A close-field probe set
Agilent 11941A close-field probe set
JDSU mOPM-B1 power meter
JDSU mOSW-C1 switch
JDSU mOSW-C1 switch
JDSU mPCS-A1 polarization controller
JDSU mOPM-B1 power meter
TDK-Lambda ZUP60-7 power supply
TDK-Lambda GEN 12.5-120 power supply
TDK-Lambda GEN 100-7.5-IEMD-U power supply
BK Precision 1692 DC power supply
Silicon Thermal Powercool LB320-24 thermal controller
Silicon Thermal Powercool LB320-24 thermal controller
SHF BERT mainframe
Raman amplifier
Buehler Fibrskope portable microscope
Olympus microscope
Thor Labs Vytran PTR-200-ARL automatic fiber recoater