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Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment
Venue address
282A Quarry Road
Milford, CT
United States
Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment

Package of Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment Keysight, Agilent, HP, JDSU & TDK Gear! Fujikura Fusion Splicer & Miyachi Solder/Weld System

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 07, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Mar 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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We found 23 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
TDK-Lambda ZUP60-7 power supply
TDK-Lambda GEN 12.5-120 power supply
TDK-Lambda GEN 100-7.5-IEMD-U power supply
Thor Labs Vytran PTR-200-ARL automatic fiber recoater
Furukawa S541A fitel fiber recoater
CleanBlast FCL-B100 fiber optic connector cleaning system
Ametek / Sorensen XG 60-14 power supply
Pallet of fiber/cable spools
Rack of fiber/cable spools
Rack of fiber/cable spools
Philips PM 3580 logic analyzer
Hewlett Packard E3630A triple output dc power supply
NHR S300 power supply analyzer
HP 6034A system power supply
HP 6034A system power supply
Sorensen DCR 60-30B dc power supply
Sorensen DCR 60-30B dc power supply
Sorensen DCR 60-30B dc power supply
Sorensen DCR 60-30B dc power supply
HP 6623A system dc power supply
HP 6623A system dc power supply
NHR S310 power supply analyzer