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Sema4 - Day 2
Venue address
1 Commercial St
Branford, CT
United States
Sema4 - Day 2

2-Day Auction of State-of-the-Art Genomics Testing Facilities

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 03, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 13, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Apr 03, 2023 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Apr 04, 2023 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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There are 762 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Thermo Scientific Arcos SL Slide Management System
Thermo Scientific Syntri Arcos Slide Management System
Thermo Scientific High Cap. Suction Dryer
Sakura Acu Cut SRM 300 LT Manual Micro Tome
Sakura Acu Cut SRM 300 LT Manual Micro Tome
Boekel Scientific Lighted Tissue Flotation Bath 3
Boekel Scientific Lighted Tissue Flotation Bath 3
Thermo Scientific Histostar Embedding Station
Thermo Scientific Slide Mate AS
Thermo Scientific Slide Mate AS
Thermo Scientific 18-Drawer Sample Tray Rack
Manitowoc Flake & Nugget, Model UFF0200A-161 Ice Making Machine
Hydro PicoTech 3 Water Dispenser
Dayton Portable Air Conditioner, Toshiba Portable Air Conditioner
Eagle Model 1904 4- Gallon Cap. Corrosive Liquid Storage Cabinet
Lot 2021
Tennsco 2-Door Metal Storage Cabinet
Lot of (3) Workplace 48
Lot of (6) Lab Style Chairs
Steris Amsco Lab 250 LG Lab Steam Sterilizer
Eppendorf Centrifuge Model 5810
LabRepCo Model Futura - 20 C Freezer
Lot of (4) APC Battery Backup Systems
Lot of (14) Rainin Pipettes w/ Stands
Lot of (9) USA Scientific Pipettes, Sizes Include: 100, 200, 20
Lot of (4) Thermo Scientific S-1 Pipette Fillers, (3) New in Box
Lot of (11) USA Scientific Various Sized Manual Pipettes
Lot of (8) Rainin Various Sized Manual Pipettes w/ Stands
Lot of (8) Rainin Various Sized Manual Pipettes w/ Stands
Lot of (5) Workplace 72
Lot of (3) Lab Style Chairs
Bio-Rad Model S1000 Thermal Cycler, 96-well
Bio-Rad Model S1000 Thermal Cycler, 96-well
Bio-Rad Model S1000 Thermal Cycler, 96-well
Bio-Rad Model S1000 Thermal Cycler, 96-well
(14) Manual Rainin Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Manual Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Manual Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Manual Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Manual Pipettes
Lot of (14) Rainin Manual Pipettes