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Sema4 - Day 2
Venue address
1 Commercial St
Branford, CT
United States
Sema4 - Day 2

2-Day Auction of State-of-the-Art Genomics Testing Facilities

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 03, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 13, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Apr 03, 2023 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Apr 04, 2023 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
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We found 126 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Hydro PicoTech 3 Water Dispenser
Dayton Portable Air Conditioner, Toshiba Portable Air Conditioner
Eagle Model 1904 4- Gallon Cap. Corrosive Liquid Storage Cabinet
Tennsco 2-Door Metal Storage Cabinet
Global Liquid Flammable Storage Cabinet, Single Door
Justrite Sure Grip EX Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
(3) Justrite Corrosive Liquid Storage Cabinets
Empura 2-Door Upright Display Cooler
Empura 3-Door Upright Display Cooler
(5) Workplace Work Benches 48
(5) Workplace Lab Work Benches
(5) Workplace Lab Style Work Benches
Justrite Suregrip EX Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Metro 60
Pfeiffer Vacuum w/ Operating Manuals
Hydro PicoTech 3 Water Filtration
(2) Frigidaire Dehumidifiers
Just Rite Sure Grip EX Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline H-2569M Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet 4-Gallon Cap.
(3) Castered Metro Racks, Misc. Sizes
(3) Metro Racks, Misc. Sizes
(2) Metro Racks, Misc. Sizes
(5) Workplace Lab Work Benches
(5) Workplace Lab Work Benches
Mettler Toldeo Model WXSS205DU Precision Digital Scale
(2) Workplace Benchtop Cabinets w/ Sliding Door
U-line H-1565S-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
U-line H-1565S-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
U-line H-2219S-R Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
U-line H-4175M-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Fisher Scientific Work Bench
Polar Insulated Container
Uline H-4177SY Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline H-2569S-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline H2569S-Y 4-Gallon Cap. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Hoshizaki Icemaker Model KM-161BAJ
Uline H-4177S-Y 22-Gallon Cap. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline H-1564M-Y 45-Gallon Cap. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Schneider Electric Galaxy VS 50-kW Uninterruptible Power Supply
Justrite 2-Door 30-Gallon Cap. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Lot of (3) Workplace Laboratory Benches
Lot of (2) Workplace Lab Benches
Heavy Duty Bolt Together Steel 4-Shelf Rack
2-Door Cabinet and (1) 2-Door Wall Hung Cabinet
Fisher Scientific Model SLF103 Max 100 Gram Digital Scale
Frigidaire Model FFAD7033R1 Dehumidifier w/ Fluid Pump
Frigidaire Model FFRU17B2QWD
Nortec Model EL Duct 010/440-180/1 Wall Mount Steam Humidifier
Justrite 2-Door 30-Gallon Cap. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
(2) Single Door Acid & Corrosive Storage Cabinets