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1 Orchard Park Rd
Madison, CT
United States

Surplus Equipment from TeraComm’s Tier One Electronic Test and Measurement Customers Featuring TeleDyne Lecroy wavesurfer 6074 Oscilloscopes, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 10, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 12, 2023 10:00 AM ET
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We found 43 items matching your search
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Summitek instruments PIM Test load model
Summitek Stack
Redlion G306K G3 Kadet interface with 5.6
APC Back-UPS Pro 1400
APC Smart-UPS Pro 1400
Hewlett Packard 8753E Network Analyzer
Agilent 85033E Calibration Kit
(4) Middle Atlantic Products 4SP Hinged Plexi Security
Brother MFC-495CW Wireless Printer / Scanner / Copier
Spirent Abacus 5000
Spirent Abacus Test System
Spirent Abacus Test System
Spirent Abacus Test System
Spirent Abacus Test System
Spirent Abacus Test System
Lot of Spirent Abacus Subsystems
ANDO AQ8201A Rack-Mount Main Frame
Tut Systems Astria Content Processor
Tut Systems Astria Content Processor
AudioCodes Mediant 5000 High Channel Density Media Gateway
Lot of PCI
Lot 351
Spirent Abacus System Controller
Spirent Abacus System Controller
Spirent Abacus System Controller
Hewlett Packard 43961A RF Impedance Test Kit and case
Hewlett Packard 83480A Digital Communications Analyzer
Hewlett Packard 83480A Digital Communications Analyzer
Gnubi communications epx16 spx000 Test Mainframe
Wandel & Goltermann DA-30C Internetwork Analyzer
Small Monitor
Lot 362
(3) Linksys EF3124 Ethernet Switches
(3) Linksys EF3124 Ethernet Switches
D-Link DSS-16+ Ethernet Switch
(2) Perle IOLAN STS Rack Terminal Serve
EXFO FOT-20A Fiberoptic Tester
Ethernet Test Fixtures and case
(2) Metro Tel Corp Model MLT560 Model Line Testers
Box Lot of GPIB Interfaces
EXFO FOT-20A Fiberoptic Tester
Box lot of Power Sources power adapters
Box lot of scepter power adapters