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Surplus Equipment from TeraComm’s Tier One Electronic Test and Measurement Customers Featuring TeleDyne Lecroy wavesurfer 6074 Oscilloscopes, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 10, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 12, 2023 10:00 AM ET
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We found 75 items matching your search
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Agilent N8973A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer
Agilent N8973A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer
Hewlett Packard 34401A Multimeter
Hewlett Packard 34401A Multimeter
FLUKE 8842A Multimeter
Agilent 85032F Type N Calibration Kit
Hewlett Packard 85033D 3.5mm calibration kit
Keysight 85036 B Type N 75 Ohm calibration kit
Agilent 85038F 7-16 female calibration kit
Maury Microwave corp calibration kit
Keysight Technologies 85096C Electronic calibration module
Box of various instruments
(4) Agilent Technologies N6701A Low Profile MPS Mainframe
(4) Agilent 85092-60010 Electronic Calibration Modules
(4) Electronic Calibration Modules
(7) Agilent 346A Noise Sources
Agilent 346B Noise Source
Agilent 85093-60010 Electronic Calibration Module
(3) Hewlett Packard 346A Noise Sources
(4) Agilent N4000A Noise Sources
Narda 3022 Coaxial Coupler
(2) Spinner BN 533843 N Calkit 50
(4) Adapters
Lot 88
(2) Agilent/HP E9301A E Series Avg Power Sensor
(3) Agilent 8482B Power Sensors
Kaelus PIM Measurement Stack
Bird Termaline Coaxial Resistor Model 8937-115
Abbess Instruments Vacuum Chamber
Screw Robot System
RDO Durapower VHH Induction Soldering System
Agilent N8973A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer
Agilent N8973A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer
Agilent N8973A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
Summitek Instruments SI-100A DC Power Supply
(2) Hewlett Packard 34401A Multimeters
Tektronix PS283 DC Power Supply
Tenma Laboratory DC Power Supply Model 72-2010
Hewlett Packard 8481A Power Sensor
Hewlett Packard E3630A Triple Output DC Power Supply
Maury Microwave Corp 8650Q Calibration Kit
Maury Microwave Corp 8550Q Calibration Kit
Maury Microwave Corp 8050Q Calibration Kit
Hewlett Packard 85023C Type N Verification Kit
Hewlett Packard 85055A Type N Verification Kit
Hewlett Packard 85032B Type N Verification Kit
Hewlett Packard 85027B Directional Bridge
Hewlett Packard 85032B Type N Verification Kit
Hewlett Packard 85032B Type N Verification Kit
Hewlett Packard 85032B Type N Verification Kit