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Tampa Distribution Center
Venue address
7340 Bryan Dairy Rd
Ste 150
Seminole, FL
United States
Tampa Distribution Center

Complete Closure of Tampa, FL Distribution Center Full Warehouse – (150+) Sections of Pallet Racking Forklifts, Pallet Wrappers, Conveyor and More!

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 10, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Apr 20, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 228 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) HP 5381A frequency counters
(4) TAS 3508A modem test switches
TTC Fireberd 6000R communication analyzer
IDS 60 EIA interface monitor and breakout panel
3M 745 wrist strap tester
Omega 650 type J thermocouple thermometer
Omega 199 iron constantan
(2) Tables No Content
Fluke digital multimeter
Hewlett Packard triple output power supply
Hewlett Packard triple output power supply
Abac advanced bulk call simulator
New Drum OF ALPHA NR330 VOC FREE FLUX 55 Gallons
Adjustable width conveyor w/ topside cooling fans
Inspection conveyor w/ topside cooling fans
Conveyor Technologies
DC Power Plant
Lot 262A
IBE SMT Equipment Adjustable Circuit Board Conveyor
AMP SM-3 Table Top Pneumatic Press
AMP SM-3 Table Top Pneumatic Press
Custom Made Circuit Board Trays
Padna Fordertechnik Adjustable Circuit Board Conveyor
Data I/O Interface Unisite Psbase-0201/Pinsite/Site 40
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Feeder Work Table
Universal Feeder Work Table
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Removable Feeder Bank (2021)
Universal Feeder Work Table, (2) Bank Capacity (2021)
Universal IQ360 Starter Combo Line Manager Computer
16 Inch Paper Cutter
Siemens 75 KVA Step Down Transformer