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ReOpen Labs
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98 Alco Place
Baltimore, MD
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ReOpen Labs

PCR Testing Lab Equipment As Late As 2022: Agilent Bravo, CyBio FeliX and Tecan Liquid Handlers $10mm Inventory of Brand-New Lab Consumables & Spares

Auction dates
Starts: Jun 09, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 20, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jun 19, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
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We found 25 items matching your search
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Uline H-4177M-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline H-2219M-Y Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Jun-Air OF302 Air Compressor
(2) Dayton 1500W Step Up/Down Transformer
(2) Dayton 1500W Step Up/Down Transformer
(4) Poppin Electric Series L Stand-Up Desk (2020)
(2) Poppin Electric Series L Stand-Up Desk (2020)
(2) Poppin Electric Series L Stand-Up Desk (2020)
Uline DL5N063 Electric Stand-Up Desk (2021)
(4) Metal Uline Workbenches
(4) Metal Uline Workbenches
(2) Uline Metal Desks/Stands
(2) Stainless Steel Uline Benches
Stainless Steel Uline Workbench on Casters
(7) Metal Uline Workbenches
(6) Metal Uline Workbenches
(2) Uline Racks w/ Contents
(2) Uline Racks w/ Contents
(2) Metro Racks w/ Contents
(2) Metro Racks w/ Contents
Uline Rubber Utility Cart
Uline Rubber Utility Cart
Alen BreatheSmart 75i HEPA Air Purifier
(3) Shipping Cases
Warehouse Cage
Lot 306