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Surplus from a Major Equipment Manufacturer
Venue address
225 Episcopal Rd
Berlin, CT
United States
Surplus from a Major Equipment Manufacturer

Fabricating and Machining, Packaging, Forklifts, Support and More

Auction dates
Starts: May 31, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 07, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
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We found 111 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Seegrid Programmable Electric Pallet Jack
Seegrid Programmable Electric Pallet Jack
Seegrid Programmable Electric Pallet Jack
Seegrid Programmable Electric Pallet Jack
Seegrid Programmable Electric Pallet Jack
Battery Charger 24V North East
Battery Charger, Cory 6 Descp
Battery Charger 24V North East
Presto Lift, Electric Pallet Jack
Logitrans Pallet Jack
Presto Electric Fork Truck
Vestil Lift Table
Die Lift Cart
Lot 11A
Die Lift Table
Lot 11B
RMT Robotics Programmable Part Transport Vehicle
RMT Robotics Programmable Part Transport Vehicle
MAC 36
Spanco Portable Jib Lifting Station
Battery Transfer Cart
(4) Floor Scales, (2) Readouts, Scale Ramp
Exhaust Fan, 52
Lista 13-Drawer Cabinet
Vidmar 11-Drawer Cabinet
VSI Automation Model PM-40 Stud Setting Press
Vibratory Bowl Feeder
(2) Vibratory Bowl Feeders
OEM Design Services LLC Door Entry Lock Testing Machine
Dynaric Inc. Carton Strapping Machine
Dynaric Inc. Carton Strapping Machine
APS Novastar Gold-Place LS60 Pick and Place Machine
Hydraulic Pump, CHV
V-Mark Automation Assembly Machine
V-Mark Automation Assembly Machine
Assembly Station Radial Rivet Machine
Tumbling Machine, Nylon Barrel
Giulani 102
Motoman Robot, Mounted on Heavy Duty Base
Rapid 3000-Amp DC Rectifier
Rapid 1000-Amp DC Rectifier
Quincy Model 4125 Air Compressor
Quincy Air Compressor
2-Door 24
Assorted Sizes Metro Cart & Shelves
Assorted Sizes Metro Shelves
Assorted Sizes Metro Shelves
Assorted Sizes Metro Shelves
Disassembled Metro Shelf - on Skid
Metro Rack Poles, Relays
(2) Steel Shelving Units
2-Door Cabinet w/ Linbin Plastic Bins
Utility Cart w/ 1-3/4