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Surplus from a Major Equipment Manufacturer
Venue address
225 Episcopal Rd
Berlin, CT
United States
Surplus from a Major Equipment Manufacturer

Fabricating and Machining, Packaging, Forklifts, Support and More

Auction dates
Starts: May 31, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jun 07, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 37 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Vidmar 12-Drawer Cabinet
Vidmar 11-Drawer Cabinet
Bridgeport Vertical Milling Machine
Granite Surface Plate w/ Stand
Granite Surface Plate
Gage Blocks, Micrometers, Force Gages, Boring Bar
Ideal Demagnatizer
Drill Press
Lot 31
Lors Spot Welder 75-kVA
Schmidt Model 990 SST Marking Machine
Stephen Bader & Co. Inc. Polishing Machine
Stephen Bader & Co. Inc. Polishing Machine
Stephen Bader & Co. Inc. Polishing Machine
Bob CAD-Cam CNC Milling Machine
Denison Multi-Press, Hydraulic Press
Radial Rivet Machine, Bracker No. 122290
Van Norman Milling Machine
Cyclone Sand Blast Cabinet 24
DoAll Model C916 Horizontal Band Saw
Combination Sander 6
Famco #6 Kick Press
Greenerd No 2 Arbor Press on Stand
JRI Rotary Table Batch-Type Parts Washer
Bridgeport Milling Machine
Kurt Milling Vise, Speed Handle
Pronic M1D In-Die Tapping unit
Pittsburgh Tap and Die Set
Greenlee 1804 Ratchet Knockout Punch Driver
Milwaukee Hole Hog Right-Angle Drill
Northern Industrial 6
Lot Hitachi & DeWalt Screw Guns
Kawasaki 691613 4-1/2