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Bernstein Display
Venue address
372 Vermont Route 67
Shaftsbury, VT
United States
Bernstein Display

Well-Maintained Retail Display & Mannequin Manufacturer Fabricating & Machine Tools, Amada Press Brake and Laser, Haas CNC VMC & Turning Centers, More

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 05, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 19, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 196 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Powermatic Model PWVS-14, 14
Meehanite Promax 2-HP Vertical Milling Machine
Pneumatic Dynablade Sander
(6) Heavy Duty Steel Carts
Dake Arbor Press No. 1
(3) Heavy Duty Steel Carts
(7) Heavy Duty Steel Carts, (2) A-Frame Hanging Carts
Tennsco 2-Door Metal Cabinet, w/ Contents
A-Frame Hanging Cart
Turbo Sharp III Electric Tungsten Grinder
(5) Nederman Model 14510222, Fume Extractors
(2) Heavy Duty Steel Carts, w/ Contents
Hobart Model Tigwave 250, AC/DC Welding Power Source
Hobart Model Tigwave 250, AC/DC Tig Welding Power Source
Hobart Model Tigwave 250, AC/DC Welding Power Source
Hobart Model Tigwave 250, AC/DC Tig Welder
Hobart Model Tigwave 250, AC/DC Tig Welding Power Source
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
Miller Model Econotig, CC AC/DC Tig Welding Power Source
Miller Model Deltaweld 452, CV DC Welding Power Source
Miller Regency 250, CV DC Arc Welding Power Source
Miller Model Syncrowave 250, CC AC/DC Welding Power Source
Lot of Welding Curtains
Timesavers Model 137-1HPM, 36
Large Lot of Mirka 36
(3) Shop Vacuums
Double Sided Cantilever Rack
Multiton 20 x 41 5,000-Lbs. Cap. Hydraulic Pallet Jack
Multiton 20 x 41 5,000-Lbs. Cap. Hydraulic Pallet Jack
Angle Adjustable Fixture Plate
Lot of Carbide Inserts
(2) Rafan V-Blocks
Heavy Duty Steel Layout Table
Craftsman 5-Drawer Rollaround Machinist Toolbox
Lot of Chuck Jaws
(2) 6
(2) Heavy Duty Steel Frame Wood Top Work Benches
Custom Vertical Vise
Brecknell Electro Samson Pneumatic Pull Tester
Lot of Chuck Accessories
Lot of 16C Collets
Lot of Chuck Jaws