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Bernstein Display
Venue address
372 Vermont Route 67
Shaftsbury, VT
United States
Bernstein Display

Well-Maintained Retail Display & Mannequin Manufacturer Fabricating & Machine Tools, Amada Press Brake and Laser, Haas CNC VMC & Turning Centers, More

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 05, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 19, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 95 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(6) Heavy Duty Steel Carts
(3) Heavy Duty Steel Carts
(7) Heavy Duty Steel Carts, (2) A-Frame Hanging Carts
Tennsco 2-Door Metal Cabinet, w/ Contents
(5) Nederman Model 14510222, Fume Extractors
(2) Heavy Duty Steel Carts, w/ Contents
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
Miller Model 042495 Watermate A1, Cooling System
(3) Shop Vacuums
Double Sided Cantilever Rack
Multiton 20 x 41 5,000-Lbs. Cap. Hydraulic Pallet Jack
Multiton 20 x 41 5,000-Lbs. Cap. Hydraulic Pallet Jack
Angle Adjustable Fixture Plate
Craftsman 5-Drawer Rollaround Machinist Toolbox
(2) Heavy Duty Steel Frame Wood Top Work Benches
Lot of Tiedown Straps
EGA Products 4-Step Portable Staircase
Lot of (5) 78 x 42
Single Sided Cantilever Rack
(2) Heavy Duty Steel Racks, w/ Contents
Contents of Double Sided Cantilever Rack
(5) Custom Made Castered Raw Material Carts
Large Lot of (3) Sections Single Sided Cantilever Racks
Gehnrich Pass Through Propane Oven
Dayton Model 4ZX11 1-Ton Cap. Floor Mount Jib Crane
Dayton Model 4ZX11 1-Ton Cap. Floor Mount Jib Crane
Gehnrich Pass Through Propane Oven
Diversi-Tech Model DD3x4, Downdraft Table
CM Valustar 1/2-Ton Electric Chain Hoist
Donaldson Torit 28
(2) Pedestal Fans
Gehnrich 2-Door Electric Oven
Pelouze Model 4040, 400-Lb Cap. Digital Scale
Large Lot of Irwin Side Clamp & Spring Clamps
(3) Nederman Fume Extractors
(4) Nederman Fume Extractors
(2) Sections of Heavy Duty Clip Together Pallet Racking
StoroPack Paper Plus Model PPSU, Packaging Paper Crumbler
Husky 1.7-HP 33-Gallon Portable Air Compressor
Cassese Foot Operated Picture Frame Joining Machine
1-Ton Cap. Electric Chain Hoist
Dayton Model 3AA28B, Single Bag Dust Collector
Seco Machine Kufo Group 2-HP Single Bag Dust Collector
Seco Machine Kufo Group 2-HP Single Bag Dust Collector
Juki Model DDL-8700-7 (WB), Sewing Machine
Juki Model M0-6714S (MO-6700), Sewing Machine
Juki Model DDL-8700-7 (WB), Sewing Machine
(3) Hi-Steam Model MVP-35B Steam Irons