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Hofmann Industries, Inc.
Venue address
3145 Shillington Road
Sinking Spring, PA
United States
Hofmann Industries, Inc.

Tube Manufacturing, Fabrication, & Powder Coating Unimac Tube Mill & High Speed Cutoff (2021) Paint Lines - Packaging Line - Machine Tools & More

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 10, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 12, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jul 11, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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There are 420 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Baldor Cat# 1215 Double End Grinder
MSC Horizontal Bandsaw
DVORAK Hydraulic Iron Worker
Palmgren 80341A 33
Milwaukee 6176--20 Abrasive Cut Off Saw
Pallet Lot of SealMaster
Pallet Lot of SealMaster
Kurt Milling Vice
Rockwell / BUX NH3-RP Magnetic Drill Press
Tapmatic R5, #6 - 1/2
No. 4 M.T. Medium Duty Live Center w/ Case
Miller CP-300 (902931) Welder w/ Cart
Miller 902289 Welder
Jacobs No. 20 Heavy Duty Super Chuck
(4) Jacobs Super Chucks
K.O. Lee Company S716 Surface Grinder
(3) Micro Boring Heads
Tool Holders, Cutting Tools
Angle Plates, Hold Downs & Small Single Door Cabinet
(2) Workbenches, (2) Gladiator Cabinets
Johnson 60 OBI Press
(4) Sets of Lifting Chains
(2) CM Short Handle Chain Hoists
Dayton 1-1/2
Dayton 3/4
Dayton 1-1/2
Coffing LHH 1-Ton Manual Lifting Hoist
Harrington CF4 1-Ton Manual Lifting Hoist
7-Tier Cantilever Rack
Shanklin Corp. Shrink Tunnel
(2) Signode 90 PSI Pneumatic Banders
AMCOL Corp 6000B Metalworking Fluid Systems Control
(3) Workbenches (1) Industrial Shelf
Ridgid 400 Pipe Treader
(2) 24
(2) Barnes 3SE744L Pumps
Schumacher Battery Charger Engine Starter
A.O. Smith F-391316-62 Century E-Plus AC Motor
Reuland 4B7 Type OADK Motor
Pallet of JWR Cain
(3) Lau Industries 60556101 Replacement Propellers
Unimac Automatic Tube Mill Tooling
Unimac Automatic Tube Mill Parts
Goulds TMS1F7C4 Pump (MCS)
Cantilever Rack, One Section of Adjustable Steel Pallet Racking
Kapistan 20
Hytrol 6
Overhead Door 6' Roll Up Garage Door
Overhead Door 8' Roll Up Garage Door