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Hofmann Industries, Inc.
Venue address
3145 Shillington Road
Sinking Spring, PA
United States
Hofmann Industries, Inc.

Tube Manufacturing, Fabrication, & Powder Coating Unimac Tube Mill & High Speed Cutoff (2021) Paint Lines - Packaging Line - Machine Tools & More

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 10, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 12, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Jul 11, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
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We found 265 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Pallet Lot of SealMaster
Pallet Lot of SealMaster
(2) Workbenches, (2) Gladiator Cabinets
(4) Sets of Lifting Chains
(2) CM Short Handle Chain Hoists
Dayton 1-1/2
Dayton 3/4
Dayton 1-1/2
Harrington CF4 1-Ton Manual Lifting Hoist
7-Tier Cantilever Rack
Shanklin Corp. Shrink Tunnel
(2) Signode 90 PSI Pneumatic Banders
AMCOL Corp 6000B Metalworking Fluid Systems Control
(3) Workbenches (1) Industrial Shelf
Ridgid 400 Pipe Treader
(2) 24
(2) Barnes 3SE744L Pumps
A.O. Smith F-391316-62 Century E-Plus AC Motor
Reuland 4B7 Type OADK Motor
Pallet of JWR Cain
Goulds TMS1F7C4 Pump (MCS)
Cantilever Rack, One Section of Adjustable Steel Pallet Racking
Kapistan 20
Hytrol 6
Overhead Door 6' Roll Up Garage Door
Overhead Door 8' Roll Up Garage Door
(5) Heavy Duty Steel Carts / Racks w/ Casters
Central Pneumatics TKF1200A Air Dryer
Vertical Air Storage Tank
Peerless PV Pump
Pallet Lot of Tube Packing Bags and Racks
Large Crate of Overhead Conveyor Drive Chain
Thorid Automatic Powder Booth, Dust Collection, Cyclone System
Spencer IndustraVac w/ Control
Central Vac Hoses and Attachments
Two-Door Metal Storage Cabinet
Large Pallet Lot of Thorid & ITW GEMA Spare Parts
Nordson Down Draft Table
Nortech Vacuum System
Nortech Vacuum System
Nordson DSYS-S1XXXX0881 Powder System
Die Lift Cart
Lot 88
Die Lift Cart
Lot 89
Stretchlee Automatic Pallet Shrink Wrap Machine
Dayton Pedestal Based Floor Fan
Dayton Pedestal Based Floor Fan
Cincinnati Floor Fan, 32
Shipping / Receiving Desk, File Cabinet, Hand Truck
(11) Boxes of HWX Hand Film / Stretch Wrap
(3) Heavy Duty Steel Carts / Racks w/ Casters
Two-Door Metal Storage Cabinet (2) Carts w/ Light Fixtures
Wright Self Dumping Hopper
Spanco 1-Ton Jib Crane w/ CM Lodestar Hoist
Gorbel 1-Ton Jib Crane w/ Demag Hoist
Shop Vac SVX2 Contractors Vac