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Hutchinson Technology - TDK
Venue address
2435 Alpine Road
Eau Claire, WI
United States
Hutchinson Technology - TDK

Leading Manufacturer of Precision Electromechanical Components Die Bonders, Microscopes, Lasers, Test & Measurement Multiple Pallet Lots of MRO Inv

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 24, 2023 10:00 AM CT
Ends from: Aug 01, 2023 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
We found 437 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(3) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
(5) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
(3) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
Lot of Shop Support Supplies
(5) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Nikon Profile Projector
Nikon Profile Projector
Nikon Profile Projector
Microscopes, Stands, Light Sources
ROI Omis II 4X8 Ram Optical Measurement Inspection System
Mitutoyo Electronic Height Gage
Stanford Research Systems, 2 Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Lot of (8) Power Supplies
Granite Inspection Table, Tru Stone
Blackstone-Ney, Ultrasonic Cleaning System
Neslab, Recirculating Chiller
Rolling Desk w/ Drawers
Koch UV250 Vacuum Sealer
Koch UV250 Vacuum Sealer
AWT Tornado NK Mixer
Kulicke & Soffa 4522 Wire Bonder
Fisher Scientific, Lab Oven
(2) Crest Ultrasonics Corp, Power Supply Generators
Applikon, Process Analyzer
Applikon, Process Analyzer
Square D, Circuit Breakers
PolyScience Circulating Bath
Neware Technology Limited, Battery Testing System
Koch Equipment UV-550 Vacuum Sealer
Exhaust Hood
Lot 47
UHT Corporation FP-1213 Flexible Substrate Punching Machine
UHT Corporation FP-1213 Flexible Substrate Punching Machine
UHT Corporation FP-1213 Flexible Substrate Punching Machine
UHT Corporation FP-1213 Flexible Substrate Punching Machine
UHT Corporation FP-1213 Flexible Substrate Punching Machine
Custom Built Assembly Machine
Custom Built Assembly Machine
Custom Built Assembly Machine
Custom Built Assembly Machine
Custom Built Assembly Machine