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Hutchinson Technology - TDK
Venue address
2435 Alpine Road
Eau Claire, WI
United States
Hutchinson Technology - TDK

Leading Manufacturer of Precision Electromechanical Components Die Bonders, Microscopes, Lasers, Test & Measurement Multiple Pallet Lots of MRO Inv

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 24, 2023 10:00 AM CT
Ends from: Aug 01, 2023 10:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
We found 59 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(3) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
(5) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
(3) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
(5) Microscopes, Variable Zoom
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Microscopes, Stands, Light Sources
Neslab, Recirculating Chiller
AWT Tornado NK Mixer
Fisher Scientific, Lab Oven
PolyScience Circulating Bath
Neware Technology Limited, Battery Testing System
Adept Testing Cabinet
Testing Machines Inc., Probe Track Tester
(3) Misc. Light Sources
Teledyne Analytical Instruments, Turbo 2 Trace Oxygen Analyzer
Sensors, Touch (Banner) Fiber Optic, (Banner), (Sick)
Cameras And Laser Systems, Melles Griot, Basler
Cameras And Laser Systems, Melles Griot, Basler
Fisher Hamilton, Biological Safety Cabinet
Ring-Disk Electrode System
Pfeiffer Vacuum
Lot 180
SPX Blue-M ETC-04SH-G Environmental Test Chamber
Neslab, Recirculating Chiller
Camfil, Filters
Lot 230
Newport Optical Isolation Table, 30
Newport Optical Isolation Table, 30
Newport Optical Isolation Table, 30
Newport Optical Isolation Table, 30
Kollmorgan, (16) Power Supplies, (4) Amplifier Servos
Coherent Duo FAP Fiber Optic Laser
Coherent Duo FAP Fiber Optic Laser
Coherent Duo FAP Fiber Optic Laser
(4) Coherent Duo FAP Fiber Optic Laser
(7) Coherent Duo FAP Fiber Optic Laser
TranSpec, MS-VIS Spectrometer
Cabinet For Spectrometer & Lamp
Light Boxes, Dolan Jenner, Schott
Lakos, Separator Filter Centrifugal Action
Neslab, Refrigerated Recirculator
Scanlab, Laser, Optical Boxes, Keyence
Lab Work Bench
Lot 324
100-Gallon Tank
Lot 5054
UV Water Treatment Skid
UV Water Treatment Skid
RO Water Treatment Skid