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Fischbach USA
Venue address
2 Van Buren Boulevard
Building 11
Bay 3
Guilderland, NY
United States
Fischbach USA

Short Notice Sale - Plastics and Facility Support Equipment: Resin Storage Silos, Conveyors, Switchgear, Chillers, Bridge Crane, Forklifts

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 05, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 13, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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Accepted cards
We found 30 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Part Cleaning and Inspection Booth
Valley Craft F86145B0 Forklift Drum Lifter
(2) Heavy Duty 2-Door Metal Cabinets
Lot of (2) 2-Door Metal Cabinets, (1) Small Cabinet
Pittsburgh 1-Ton Portable Gantry Crane
Little Giant Metal Work Table
Lot of Hytrol 42
Lot of Hytrol 20
Lot of (2) Overhead Platforms w/ Uprights, Ladders
(4) Hytrol Conveyors, 7' Long x 20
MacroAir Airvolution-D HVLS Ceiling Fan
Hydrovane HV37 50-HP Air Compressor
CompAir Hydrovane 20-HP Air Compressor
Gardner Denver RES450A7EN1DF Air Dryer
(2) Sullair SXTF1020F Air Filter Canisters
Uline/TPI PBX-42-D 42
Hytrol 18
Hytrol 18
Hytrol 18
Hytrol 18
Lot of (11) Steel Upright Supports, Adjustable Arm
Lot of Assorted Conveyor Parts
Harrington 3-Ton Overhead Crane, Freestanding
Large Lot of Siemens Sentron Aluminum Busway and Switch Plugs
Thermal Care PTS2100 Chilled Water Pump Tank
Trenton TCL260-T4A-C27V-0476 Air Cooled Condenser w/ Stand
Columbian TecTank 5,690 CuFt Resin Storage Silo
Caterpillar C3000-LP 3,000-Lb LPG Forklift
Hytrol TH 42
Lot of Hytrol 18