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Reopen Covid Testing Lab, Sale #2
Venue address
45-18 Ct Square W
Floor 2
Long Island City, NY
United States
Reopen Covid Testing Lab, Sale #2

2nd in Series of Covid-19 Testing Labs NY-Based PCR Testing Lab | As-New-As 2022 Tecan Fluent | Abbott Alinity Analyzer | Agilent Bravo | PCR Testing

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 07, 2023 09:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 09, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 12 items matching your search
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(2) Global Industrial Dehumidifiers
Werther International Compact 106 Silent Distant Air Compressor
Home Commercial Dehumidifier
Junair Air Compressor
Large Lot of Anti-Fatigue Mats
Contents of (2) Pallet Rack Shelving
Pallet of Uline Slanted Wire Racking
Uline 2-Door Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Uline 2-Door Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Justrite 2-Door Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet
Pallet Lot of Wire Metro Style Racking