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Short Notice Sale - Assets formerly of Athenex Pharma Solutions Featuring Serialization, Packaging, Cell Therapy, Quality Lab, Plant Support & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 29, 2023 10:00 AM ET
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By appointment only
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There are 734 lots within this auction
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Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Orum ORM 21514 Air sampler
Misc parts associated w/ Orum ORM Air sampler
Fluke 52 II Thermometer w/ (2) probes
Starrett 799 & no. 3732 digital calipers
Fluke 561 infrared thermometer
Mitutoyo Absolute AOS digimatic caliper
(7) ExTech LT40 LED Light Meters
(5) Temperature probes
Masy Temperature and Temp/Humidity Probes
(6) Traceable thermometer probes
(9) Eppendorf reference 2 pipettes
BioHit M300 pipette
Work Bench & Table, (4) misc office chairs
(2) Lateral filing cabinets
GE Dehumidifier
Metal Shelving unit
Stainless Steel workbench
(2) Lab chairs on casters, (1) Waste container
Stainless Steel 2-door cabinet
Esco Stainless Steel Isolator (yr 2017)
Rolling Uline wire cart
FTI Model ac4sts1v300b015c05 centrifugal pump
Mettler Toledo model XPR15002L analytical balance
Granite stand
Lot 34
Mettler Toledo pbk989-a6 balance
Rolling Barrel Cart
Small Stainless Steel Bench
5-Gallon flammable storage cabinet
(2) Stainless Steel sinks
Stainless Steel 2-door cabinet
Rolling inventory cart
Lab stool and waste can
(2) plastic containers w/ handles
Shorline Stainless steel cage
Small Stainless Steel Bench
Waste Container & Sink accessories
Stainless Steel 2-door cabinet
Mettler Toledo XP10002S Balance
(7) Uline blue plastic containers
Mettler Toledo XPE204 Balance
(4) Uline blue plastic containers
(3) Misc lab stools & garbage can
Work bench
Lot 53
ViscoDos Pump Controller
(5) Rolling Barrel Dolly’s
(3) Uline Boxes
Stainless Steel lab bench