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11342 Main St
Clarence, NY
United States

Short Notice Sale - Assets formerly of Athenex Pharma Solutions Featuring Serialization, Packaging, Cell Therapy, Quality Lab, Plant Support & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 29, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 24 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
APC Smart UPS 1500
Zebra GX420T printer & scanner, etc
Wipotec TQS-MP manual serialization unit
Keyence MK-U6000MF Ink jet printer & rolling cart
HP Color laserjet pro MFP M477fdn
(6) Misc computer monitors, keyboards, mice
(5) LG all in one PC/Monitors, Misc monitor & keyboards
Duralabel Toto model DLTOYO label printer & labels
Avery weigh-tronix ZK840 model BSQ-1214-035 counting scale
Brady BMP21 label printer
Box of locks and keys
(2) VJ6530 107mm_TT(III) cassettes
LG 49LH570A flat screen television
Toshiba Barcode printer
Brother QL-820NWB label printer
LG model 49LH570A flat screen tv
Fellowes Venus 2 125 scanner
Brother QL-820NWB label printer
Brother QL-820NWB label printer
Brother model PT-D400 printer
Nikon D3100 digital camera
(6) boxes of transfer labels and (2) boxes of ribbon
Box of quicklabel printer ink
Adjustable height tripods