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Venue address
11342 Main St
Clarence, NY
United States

Short Notice Sale - Assets formerly of Athenex Pharma Solutions Featuring Serialization, Packaging, Cell Therapy, Quality Lab, Plant Support & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 29, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 231 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
GE Dehumidifier
Metal Shelving unit
Rolling Uline wire cart
FTI Model ac4sts1v300b015c05 centrifugal pump
Rolling Barrel Cart
5-Gallon flammable storage cabinet
Rolling inventory cart
(2) plastic containers w/ handles
Shorline Stainless steel cage
Waste Container & Sink accessories
(7) Uline blue plastic containers
(4) Uline blue plastic containers
ViscoDos Pump Controller
(5) Rolling Barrel Dolly’s
(3) Uline Boxes
(2) Rubbermaid trash cans
(34) Misc blue Uline plastic containers
(3) Uline Square Dolly’s
(3) Clear plastic containers
Rolling utility cart w/ lockable cabinet
Multifeeder MFT250ip3 friction feeder
Global Industrial scale
(3) Stainless Steel rolling utility carts
Plastic parts rack w/ shelving
Evolution model 235 process voltage calibrator
Additel 760 automatic handheld pressure calibrator and case
Rubbermaid plastic 3-shelf rolling utility cart
Plastic bins, baskets, trays
Liebert GXT4 AC Power System
Large Qty Plastic Bins various sizes
(2) Heavy duty metal stands
Rolling utility cart w/ lockable cabinet
Justrite oily waste can
Rolling metro rack w/ plastic bins
Rentokil Steritech model 219GT indoor bug light
(2) Wilkerson Regulators
Unitronics Controller
(2) Rolling 3-shelf metro carts & cleaning carts
Rack for plastic parts bins
(4) Rolling metal cages
(3) Uline Rolling Metal cages
Mettler Toledo model EN-C, components
Small red dolly w/ handle
Dyna-Fog Hurricane Ultra II model 2794 fogger distributor
Grundfos MLE80A 2-56C-IA Booster system pump
Misc plastic, bins, containers, cylinder
3M Versaflow TR-600 & Bin
Take-a-label inc model TAL-750HD-18 label dispenser
Large trash barrels and dolly’s
Uline H-2569 Flammable liquid storage cabinet
Justrite Flammable liquid storage cabinet
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
(10) NSF compliant Plastic Pallets
Uline H-1043 pallet jack