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11342 Main St
Clarence, NY
United States

Short Notice Sale - Assets formerly of Athenex Pharma Solutions Featuring Serialization, Packaging, Cell Therapy, Quality Lab, Plant Support & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 29, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 43 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Work Bench & Table, (4) misc office chairs
(2) Lateral filing cabinets
Stainless Steel 2-door cabinet
Stainless Steel 2-door cabinet
2-door cabinet
Lot 131
Stainless Steel coat rack
(3) Picnic benches & plastic chairs
Work Table and Chair
Zebra Tech DS8178 Barcode scanner
Lateral filing cabinet table
Metro rack / coat hanger and shelving
Small 2-Drawer file cabinet
(2) Misc chairs
Lot 345
(6) Misc office chairs
Small 3-Drawer file cabinet
Office Desk
Lot 357
Rolling shelving unit
Rolling shelving unit
Small trash barrel
(9) Marathon clocks
Box of Zebra barcode scanners and components
LED Exit Emergency light/sign
Stainless steel 2-door cabinet w/ contents
2-Door cabinet w/ contents
(2) wooden book shelves w/ contents
Sandusky rolling supply cabinet
(2) misc office chairs
Tablet podium
Lot 494
SNBC receipt printer
Break room furniture and equipment
Lot of misc office chairs
Uline file cabinet and standing desk
Misc office chairs
Misc office chairs
(5) Office chairs
(2) high top chairs
(2) Office chairs
Misc office chairs
Lobby chair
Lot 822
Conference room and contents
Conference room and contents
Pallet of green clean room paper
(7) boxes of white cleanroom paper