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11342 Main St
Clarence, NY
United States

Short Notice Sale - Assets formerly of Athenex Pharma Solutions Featuring Serialization, Packaging, Cell Therapy, Quality Lab, Plant Support & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 29, 2023 10:00 AM ET
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We found 32 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Zebra ZD410 Label Printer
Zebra ZD410 Label Printer
Zebra ZD410 Label Printer
Zebra ZD410 Label Printer
Zebra ZD620 Label Printer
(2) incomplete pallets of cardboard boxes
Bandall BA32-20-62 bander (yr 2020)
Boxes of Ink Jet labels
Zebra ZD410 Label printer
Videojet Dataflex 6530
Videojet Dataflex 6420 model 8.4 clarity
Videojet Dataflex 6420 model 8.4 clarity
Videojet Dataflex intermittent impression print base
Videojet Datafkex 6530 107mm RH
Zebra ZP505 label printer
Zebra ZP505 label printer
Zebra ZP505 label printer
Zebra ZT411 Printer - New in box
Zebra ZT411 Printer
Zebra ZQ320 label printer
(2) Custom Q3X label printers
Zebra ZD620 printer
GBC Velobind System 3pro binding machine
(7) boxes of quicklabel labels misc sizes
(5) boxes of zebra labels misc sizes
(4) boxes of Herma labels for tamper evident line
(8) boxes of misc labels and sizes
box of quicklabel maintenance cartridges
Pallet of corrugated boxes
(2) pallets of small folding boxes - white
GBC laminator and pouches