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Evelo Biosciences
Venue address
620 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
United States
Evelo Biosciences

Clinical Stage Biotech Facility Fermentation-Microbiology-Analytical Lab Equipment & Instrumentation as late as 2020 Over 1000 Lots of Lab, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 28, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 30, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 55 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
TSI Alnor Airgard 315 BSC Bio-Safety Monitor
Seiko (SII) RP-D10 Thermal Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Zebra Model GX430T Label Printer
Eppendorf Bio Reactor Computer Controller
Samsung Flat Panel High Def TV Approx. 70
Samsung Wall Mount High Def. Approx. 60
Kyocera Model ECOSYS M5526CDW All-In-One Copier/Printer/Fax
Samsung Wall Mount High Def. Approx. 60
Samsung Wall Mount High Def. Approx. 50
Samsung Wall Mount High Def. Approx. 60
Desk End Cap w/ End Cap Wall, Table for (3) and Samsung 40
Desk End Cap w/ End Cap Wall, Table for (3) and Samsung 40
Samsung 40
Revolabs Omni Directional Microphones
Desk End Cap w/ End Cap Wall, Table for (3) and Samsung 40
Desk End Cap w/ End Cap Wall
Desk End Cap w/ End Cap Wall
Samsung 42
Contents of Room
Lot 1020
Contents of Room
Lot 1021
Contents of Room
Lot 1022
Samsung 55
(3) Smart TV
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Thinkpad Model X1 Laptop Computer
Microsoft Surfacepro Laptop Computer
Microsoft Surfacepro Laptop Computer
Microsoft Surfacepro Laptop Computer
Microsoft Surfacepro Laptop Computer
Lot of (2) Think Pad X1 Laptop Computers
Lot of (2) Think Pad X1 Laptop Computers
Lot of (2) Think Pad X1 Laptop Computers
Lot of (3) MacBook Pro Laptop Computers
Lot of (3) MacBook Pro Laptop Computers
Lot of (3) MacBook Air Laptop Computers
Server Rack w/ Dell Power Edge Bar 630 Server System
Dell Model Dell D3460DN Laser Printer
Brother MFC Multi Function Center Model L5900DW
Lot of Cisco Model Meraki MX95 Networking Hubs
Canon Color Image Class Model MF731CDW Color Printer
Dell Precision 5820 Network Computer