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Evelo Biosciences
Venue address
620 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA
United States
Evelo Biosciences

Clinical Stage Biotech Facility Fermentation-Microbiology-Analytical Lab Equipment & Instrumentation as late as 2020 Over 1000 Lots of Lab, & More

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 28, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Aug 30, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
We found 79 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(6) Clamp-on Lights
Uline H-2570M-Y 22-Gallon Flammable Storage Cabinet
Uline H-2570M-Y 22-Gallon Flammable Storage Cabinet
Wheaton 13mm Automatic Crimping Tool
Lot of Wheaton 13mm Automatic Crimping Tool
Uline H-1783 Scissor Lift Cart
Thermo HERAtherm IMC 18 Oven
Boekel 13300 90-W Oven
Bracco / Boekel 13301 90-W Oven
Boekel 132000 90-W Oven
Yamato DX402C Drying Oven
Henkelman Boxer 35 ETL Vacuum Packaging Machine
(5) Cylinder Carts/Stands
Mettler Toledo Haug PRX U 27x18x27 200 Radial Anti Static Kit
Yamato DX602C Drying Oven
Mettler Toledo ML3001T/00 Scale
(2) Light Boxes
Lot 437
Lot of Metal Tank Clamps and Straps
Mettler Toledo ICS4x9 Scale
Cabinet/(2) Carts/2-Step Portable Step Ladder/Wire Rack
Lot of (1) Lab Stool; (1) Large Stainless Steel Cart
Lot of (2) Work Benches; (1) Folding Table
Jacketed Poly Drum with Stainless Steel Ports on Cart
Pope Scientific Portable Jacketed Mix Tank
Mettler Toledo 2888 Portable Platform Scale w/ Display
Lot of (3) Assorted Stainless Steel Tanks
Portable Stainless Steel Tank
Portable Stainless Steel Tank
Poly Tank
Lot 565
Thermo 30-Gallon Cylindrical Poly Tank
Poly Tank
Lot 567
Uline Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Proto 540S Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Proto 540S Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Proto 540S Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Proto 540S Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Extreme Tools Portable Tool Chest w/ Contents Included
Blue Metal Shop Cart
Lot of (4) Uline S-12200 Universal Spill Kits
Wire Rack w/ Plastic Bins
Large Lot of Cole Parmer Flow Meters w/ Stands
Lot of Cole Parmer Flow Meters
Lot of Cole Parmer Flow Meters
Lot of Cole Parmer Flow Meters
Mettler Toledo Type EN SL LC UL Power Pack
(2) Chemcell Dura-Drive Overhead Motors
(2) Chemcell Dura-Drive Overhead Motors
Yamato Model DX402C Drying Oven
Mettler Toledo Model IND231 Digital Lab Portable Platform Scale
Mettler Toledo Model 61043119 Floor Scale
Nalgene 150-Gallon Cap. Polypropylene Mixing Tank
Yamato Model DX302C Drying Oven w/ Digital Controls
Rubbermaid Pneumatic Tire Cart; Little Giant Heavy Duty Steel Cart
Uline Model H-5439 Rechargeable Electric Pallet Lifter
Uline 6' Fork Extensions, Uline Forklift Mount Barrel Lifter
Uline Model 1784 770-Lb Cap. Hydraulic Dielift Cart
Uline Model H2400 Steel Hand Truck, Uline Dolly