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Pathway Lighting
Venue address
35 Research Parkway
Old Saybrook, CT
United States
Pathway Lighting

Complete Closure of LED Lighting Manufacturer Incl: $3,500,000 Inventory, LED Engines and Drivers Large Qty Of Pallet Racking, Radiant Goniometer

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 05, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Sep 13, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 49 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
(2) Product Engineering Model 7000-S4, Solid Square Set
(5) Milwaukee Screwdrivers w/ (2) Chargers
(3) Ridgid 12V Cordless Impact Drivers
(3) Ridgid Cordless Impact Drivers
(5) Craftsman Model Brite Driver, 3.6V Cordless Screwdrivers
(5) Craftsman Model Brite Driver, 3.6V Cordless Screwdrivers
(3) Sumake Model ES207L1, Electric Torque Screwdriver
Hakko Model 936, Soldering Station (New)
(9) Emhart Model PRG510, Pneumatic POP Riveter
(9) Emhart Model PRG510, Pneumatic POP Riveter
Lot of Pneumatic Tools
Lot of Pneumatic Tools
(7) Roper Whitney Hand Punches w/ Punch Kits
Milford Model 255, Automatic Riveting Machine
Metal Roll Machine w/ Portable Steel Table
STM Reversing Type Tapping Head (New)
Lot of Tooling
(4) Brown-Sharpe and Starrett 12
Lot of Tooling
(2) Multi-Size Hole Cutter w/ Adjustable Radius Blade
Lot of Grinding and Cutting Wheels
(5) Presses
Lot 77
(3) Arbor Presses
(2) DeWalt Heavy Duty Cordless Screwdrivers
Ellis Model 9400, Pedestal Variable Speed Drill Press
Huen Chen Model HC-416, Automatic Riveting Machine
Weller Soldering System
JET Model JDP-12, 12
Porter and Cable 12-Speed Pedestal Drill Press
Stimpson Model 10, Pedestal Rivet Machine
Huen Chen Model HC-416, Automatic Riveting Machine
Multi-Size Hole Cutter w/ Adjustable Radius Blade
(1) Yil-IUA Model 939D+, Solder Station
(2) Butcher Block Benches
Elephant Manufacturing Model EHN-16, 4-Ton Hand Notcher
Imperial Model 370-FH, Triple Head 180 Degree Tube Bender
Lot of Tools
Lot 129
Mitutoyo 12
(1) Product Engineering Model 7000-S4, Solid Square Set
Bevel Protractor 0-180 Degree Angle Combination Square Ruler Set
STM Reversing Type Tapping Head (New)
Work Bench, 6'x3' w/ Contents
Rigid Model BS14002, 14
Di-Acro Model LB-414H, 52
Rockwell Model 15-017, Drill Press
Milford Model 305 RV.5, Portable Automatic Riveting Machine
(4) Bolt Cutters