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Venue address
1 Solutions Way
Waynesboro, VA
United States

Precision Machining & Electronics Manufacturing Facility - Metrology Instruments, Vertical/Horizontal Machining, Fabricating, Material Handling, SMT

Auction dates
Starts: Sep 21, 2023 08:00 AM ET
Ends from: Sep 26, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 256 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Starrett Granite Surface Plate
Starrett Granite Surface Plate
Bear Mfg Company Model 1490, Shop Press
Clausing Model 1685, 2-Head Gang Drill Press
Sunnen Model MBB-1660, Precision Honing Machine
Sunex Model 5001A, 6
(7) Haas ER16 and ER32 Collet Kits
Lot of Collets, Various Types and Sizes
Lot of Hand Tools
Granite Surface Plate, 36
Enshu Model VMC530, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Lot of CAT-50 Tool Holders and Machinist Hold-Down Clamps
Enshu Model VMC530, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Haas 4th Axis Rotary Table w/ Servo Controller
Lot of CAT-50 Tool Holders and Enshu Machine Parts
Enshu Model VMC550, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Lot of CAT-50 Tool Holders, Tooling and Cart
Haas Model TM-2, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Haas Model TM-1, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Lot of CAT-40 Tool Holders, Tooling and Cart
Howa Sangyo Model Strong 1000, 16.75
Vertex 8
Bridgeport Model No 2, Boring Head Kit
Bridgeport Model No 2, Boring Head Kit
Nikken Model HR8-T30, End Mill Holder Kit
(2) 5C Collet Horizontal/Vertical Indexing Fixture
(2) Yuasa Indexers
Tool Specialties Company 5C Collet Vertical Indexing Fixture
Daewoo Model ACE-V50, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Lot of Machinist Hold-Down Clamp Tooling
(2) 6
(2) 5C Collet Horizontal/Vertical Indexing Fixture
Phase II Model 225-205, Horizontal/Vertical Indexing Fixture
Phase II Model 225-205, Horizontal/Vertical Indexing Fixture
Haas Model Super Mini Mill, CNC Vertical Machining Center
Eron Model E275, Lock-Tight 6
Eron Model E275, Lock-Tight 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Lot of Turning Tools
Lot of Tooling
Lot of Tooling
Lot of Tooling
Lot of CAT-40 Tooling, Tool Holders and Tool Cart
Kurt Model D675, 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Kurt Model D675, 6
Haas Model HSCV-5-05, 5
(1) 10
Kitagawa Model B208, 8
Kurt Model D675, 6